Condemn politicians who object to new VC for Anna University
Clubbing Cauvery issue to the appointment of a Vice chancellor only indicates what level the political class in Tamil Nadu has deteriorated in recent years.
There are many professors from Tamil Nadu who are working in Karnataka , other states and outside India. There are also Tamilians who have served as Principals and Vice chancellors in other states. What would happen if every state insist that only the natives of the state should be Vice chancellor in the state. Can there be a more ugly and counter productive situation than this?
What is worse is that some fringe groups are threatening to hold demonstration against the new Vice chancellor of Anna University. They may even try to whip up passion and encourage students to organize strikes etc. In the process, the politicians and the fringe groups would further spoil the climate in the educational institutions and Universities in Tamil Nadu ,which have already seen corrupt persons as Vice chancellors and professors and teachers going on strikes on one issue or the other .
With the politicians and business men controlling most of the print and visual media in Tamil Nadu, all the obnoxious statements of politicians and fringe groups get repeated and huge publicity and debates organized by partisan editors and anchors.
It is high time that the politicians in Tamil Nadu should be shown their place by atleast concerned citizens by boycotting them and speaking against their motivated and self centred speeches and actions.
N.S.Venkataraman more