Connected Consumers - Regulation of Horticulture Market in India.
Manure sold in small packs is again an eyesore for buyers with prices anywhere around Rs.100/. While I invite views of the fellow interested consumers of such items from the market based on their experiences.
There is another bad experience, there used to be government nurseries in cities, I can speak of some in Delhi. These are being rendered non-functional with very few items on sale probably in a policy that government has no business to be in business. This is a very bad policy of theGovernment, eliminating a sense of competition between the public and private sectors both, in terms of quality and prices. I request the government to please review this and also set up a regulator to take care of research, production and distribution.
Besides, regulate the private sector markets and protect consumer interests. I expect the Manager Local Circle to apprise the Department concerned in the Govt of India. more