Connecting Government officers to circles

Please suggest , is it possible to connect Government officers to public forums, citizen circles or social media groups for the development related discussion ? If not , why ? more  

There are various circulars from different Dept.'s restricting the Govt. officials to go for Public and Publicity, as many of them utilized the same other-way around. Furthermore it does not reflect the Govt. Policy but individual Or personal interest. Many a times the wrong signal get communicated without identifying the depth of the situation more  
Yes we all find it easy to put all blame on politicians. But there cannot be a first time politician without acceptance of public to lead, some of the public for the right thing or wrong. Most often these first time leaders are used by at least a few among the general public, as prostitutes (i.e.) use them & throw them. All selfless honest leaders fall in to this category. Tamil Nadu mass leader K.Kamaraj, and such others fall in this category. The Most beneficiaries are those involved in the Public distribution of Essential Goods & Services. It is these Greedy among cause miseries to common people. From here the Chain link of Corruption starts and Corruption through this root, grows in to big trees of thorns & fruits but never useful to general public but to loot public wealth. Even in a single law, in a single case, if there can be split verdict, the discretion with people with power, cause pleasure or pain. Most of us suffer pain than a few enjoy pleasure. Constitution may be fine but it is in the hands of people with discretion.Discretion with people who have no knowledge of the Law of Nature, will be like this and can worsen. Popular & Famous people cheer up having upheld Constitutional Amendment 39 and striking down 99. Let us not paint our selves to glorify. Black sheep exist every where. What we need is to self explore Bharat values, Ethics, Morals, reasons behind such to relate to the Law of Nature. After all God has reserved the powers for our Birth & death to him alone. The moment we tend to understand this fact, then alone we may leave a Civilized, Peaceful, world to our own dear children or else we may be Gambler of our own children's PEACE, Good Health. Powers under our Constitution etc etc may be window dressing to deceive our own selves. Let us look to reality pl. Thank you, K.S.Nagarajan,' Chennai. Email: more  
Rightly said. PDS misuse increased many means like Grants, Subsidies, Loan Mafee, Relief Funds even pension leading the whole system corrupt.
This is why, this platform for achieving good governance through public participation .
Constitutionally fundamental is the prime issue of Government Officers' role in sharing and Serving the Public . S.C. also confined this .
There is need to Regulate the Top issue of Political Performance codifying whole practice of Electioneering, Election Commission and the role of Elected Politicians including mandates to Political Parties . WE ARE STILL AWAITING THE REQUISITE AMENDMENTS AND NEW PROVISIONS WHICH ALREADY DISCUSSED IN our mother circle . more  
The issue raised by Sri Mahen Patle falls under the purview of Article 32 with its Limbs , article 226 and 39 A. Presently this " development related discussions " is only under the Ministries Concerned. This could be continued for the issues taken up in the Legislating Houses in their Sessions. The Rule in the Country had been set away from Constitutional Objectives, Concept and Provisions that are mandated under ' Directive Principles of State policy ' which is to be read with the relevant Sections of PENAL CODE . Article 37, 38 {1} and {2} and the Guarantees of Preamble of the Constitution mandates the Principles of Rule and the S.C. also clearly defined and confined in 1983 [Ref: AIR 1983 SC 98 in repeat of their Directions of 1978, 1979 . The changed system of Rule is only because of undue and unwanted Political interests denying the basic fundamental duties concluded in part III of our Constitution . There is absolute need for the public to represent for this basic issue of ' developments under Constitutional provisions ' since the articles 32, 226 and 39 A, were grossly failed in extending the Rule in the Country by Politically empowered Authority . [Ref: {1987 } 4 SCC 609 where the S.C. crowded with multiple Cases that take 15 years while the Duty of Court is for Speedy Trial and, fast need of Justice of general public on which there were several Judgments. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL IS TO BE ESTABLISHED with State Branches at State Head Quarters and, District Head Quarters which are to be Centrally Organized and Operated . THIS IS ONLY LEGITIMATE METHOD OF INVOLVING REAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES WHO ARE EVER RESPONSIBLE THROUGHOUT THEIR SERVICE AND SALARY . There is no doubt, any other ways for this will lead to unnecessary interventions, Escapism, and even neglect questioning many under law . more  
The Purposed Secretariats, Offices under Constitution , Policing under Indian Penal Code failed in Public Orientation and S.C. in 1994 , SCC 243 once again mandated that Every Limb of Constitutional Machinery to be People Oriented .
The Present system of public access to these Officers also getting grossly neglected thus requiring a Specific Special Council to share Public Suggestions on the Constitutional mandates . more  
This is a demand being given to the local circles manangers since long that effectiveness will improve if the govt.offices are connected and all such complaints,grievances be directed to them on this platform and a fast and a positive response shall be received,but there is a stall of my request. more  
In my Opinion, a regulated system for giving legal support will best serve the purpose to an antiquity more  
It is possible to connection government officers above the rank of Joint Secretaries but only as RTI unbiased respondents that could be helping the citizens debate at the Local Circle. more  
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