Consumer Grievances in Banking - Inputs on Solutions
Below is a list of the key root causes identified by you regarding Consumer Grievances in Banking.
Kindly review them and let us identify solutions that are needed from the Government to make Banking industry more customer friendly.
We will then put together a comprehensive whitepaper to be submitted to Consumer and Finance Ministry and any other associated Government departments/regulators for actions.
I look forward to your inputs!
Rajendra Pratap Gupta
Consumer Grievances in Banking – Root Causes
1. Loose control of the regulatory bodies
2. The judicial process itself has a lot of loopholes and is very slow
3. Banks are opportunists; they try to earn as much money as possible from the customer
4. Bank agents see loan as an opportunity to push more products to the customer
5. Agents are not 100% transparent due to the fear of losing the deal
6. Bankers leave terms/margins undefined with customers so they can generate more profit
7. Big pressure on the sales force to achieve the sales numbers
8. Banks want to recover their money by hook or by crook, even if it means going against the guidelines of the Supreme court
9. Customer service of private banks is more focused than public banks
10. People do not know the rules and hence get exploited
11. Banking paperwork is complicated which results in the customer blindly trusting the bank representatives more