Consumers being cheated
1.Consumer Protection Act
2.Consumer Protection Council
3.The Central Consumer Protection Council
4.State Arif Protection Council
5.Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies(District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (DCDRF): Also known as the "District Forum" )
6.Act against UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES. etc.
In spite of these why our country is ruined by these unscrupulous manufacturers, marketers, distributors etc? Because all these remain as a paper tiger and it never bits the culprits. Our Legal system also gives protection to these persons who practice Unfair trade practices.
Tooth paste or medicinal tubes have 75% of its size, even potato chips of leading brand are puffed with air and it contains few full size and many broken chips and that too half of the size of the pocket. Printer cartridges contain 50% of ink and sold, health drinks contain 70% of the size of container, medicines are produced as permutation combination of ingredients (alternative drugs have similar basic ingredients in changed proportion), and what not? One can write 100 pages in such irregularities done in cheating consumers.
Ultimately what we general public want to say is that such people including ADULTERATING agencies, should be punished with iron hand. Since Adulteration causes even death or permanent health hazards, they should be given capital punishment on par with murder. Do this and India will become like SINGAPORE OR AMERICA. more