Corrupt municipal officials

In Delhi UPSC case. People who could be arrested:

1) Car driver for causing that wave which broke the Gate
2) Gate maker, who used cheaper welding
3) Car maker for opting for wider tyres which caused the wave
4) A dog who peed on the street, adding to the volume of water
5) Extradition request against Newton’s descendants for discovering gravity (even though he didn’t invent)
6) Gutenberg’s descendants for inventing printing press, which led to books and a library

People who won’t be arrested:

1) The ward counsellor & the inspectors who let the illegal libraries in the basement function. more  

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MCD is world's most corrupt council. It's councilors, official all are most corrupt, Specially After winning AAM Adami Party getting control over it, all most all roads connecting to main city where Malva is spread more  
Who controlled MCD for 15 years before AAM aadmi party 2007-2022? MCD corruption not just an after 2022 development! Central government wants more and more power and not allowing Aam Aadmi Party controlled MCD to function. more  
A viral video showed the speeding vehicle creating ripples in the water, causing it to breach the coaching centre’s gates and leading to the sudden flooding of the basement in just a few minutes. Car driver charged under section 106(1) (death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide). Preliminary investigations by the police have suggested that a Force Gurkha SUV wading through the rainwater was a contributing factor to the flooding of the coaching institute, which claimed three young lives.A viral video showed the speeding vehicle creating ripples in the water, causing it to breach the coaching centre’s gates and leading to the sudden flooding of the basement in just a few minutes. “The vehicle owner is a separate individual. He has no connections with anyone from the coaching centre or the owners,” said a senior police official, adding that the police are committed to ensuring strict action against all those responsible. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central) M Harsha Vardhan said each floor of the building is owned by a different person. “Five more persons have been arrested in connection with the flooding case in Rajinder Nagar. This includes the owner of the basement of Rau coaching and the individual who drove a vehicle which appears to have damaged the gate of the building (leading to water gushing in the basement),” he said. The owner and coordinator were produced before a magisterial court on Sunday. The number of arrests in the case has increased to seven, including the earlier arrests of the owner, Abhishek Gupta, and the coordinator, Deshpal Singh, of Rau’s IAS Study Circle. All the seven people have been sent to 14 days judicial custody. They were charged under under sections 105 (culpable homicide), 106(1) (death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide), 115(2) (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 290 (negligent conduct with respect to pulling down, repairing or constructing buildings) and 35 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). The arrested people include four co-owners of the building namely Parvinder Singh, Sarvjit Singh, Harvinder Singh and Tejender Singh and the driver of the SUV identified as Manoj Kataria. Meanwhile, the old Rajinder Nagar area, which is a hub of UPSC coaching centres, saw a ‘bulldozer action’ cracking down on encroachments on the drains which leads to heavy waterlogging in the area. Further, Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) launched a crackdown with bulldozers employed to clear out encroachments blocking drains. The civic body began a bulldozer operation to clear cement blocks obstructing drains that leave the area chronically waterlogged. more  
It is sad that such a tragic incident took place in ORN. One can easily conclude that here infrastructure was too weak which made the life too cheap there. MCD, RWA and responsible Government may start drive to periodic check at least every six months, of all basement establishments where such activities of coaching classes, Libraries, GYM, Parlour, factories etc. are running. Basement must be only for Storage purpose and the owner must have proper Fire NOC and there must be easy Entry and Exit gate of such basements. more  
Ours is rotten corrupted system where innocent are penalised and corrupts are rewarded . No hope for our future . Politicians are busy in breaking this country and we idiots vote for him more  
It is misfortune of all of us. Such ill event can happen with anyone irrespective of positions / status and therefore no one must consider that he / she are not concerned in any way. No single person / authority can be held responsible because most of the times scenario / place / circumstances gets change but root cause(s) remain the same. I strongly feel that all of us must think in terms of own responsibilities and must carry out accordingly if we feel as a responsible HUMAN BEING. more  
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