Corruption free Maharashtra

Latest news of today that Mayor of MMNR caught while accepting bribe & will be arrested today. This is crystal clear that efforts to curb corruption at all level is not at all effective. One should appreciate the courage of the person to unearth bribe scam to authority (ACB), certainly his/her life may be at risk. Of late understand that the RTI activist being threaten or blackmailed. Only white paper is not enough but in such cases action plan initiated & consequence should be revealed to public. more  

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I feel that IPC is linient towards criminals. Severe laws, Police and courts being in their place, crime rate is shooting towards sky. Criminals are not fearful of law, politics is full of criminals and selfish fellows. I come from an village and from my childhood memories I recollect that whenever in our village politicion of Nehru ji stature came, we felt that air has been incensed. But, now if any politician come in the near by village, we feel that air is stinking. more  
system base approval and not human given approval is one way, strict law is second option to stop corruption. separate court for corruption cases is must and in div bench, one citizen should be involve. more  
On Saturday, January 31, 2015, Uday Salvi wrote: > more  
Please have facts correct. BJP has not approached or took support of NCP but the shrewd leader of NCP for their own political reason & benefit. But BJP has not accepted or responded properly. Since, Shiv Sena was playing flip-flop in joining govt. & their leader's were too ambitious. At last, the leader ship was bound to support BJP half-heartedly, fearing mass resignations from the party, it is justified as the in experience guys was stubborn at seat sharing meetings & challenged the BJP & they had it. But it make good sense in joining the Govt. & work in tandem with BJP in implementing corruption free ruling & give us good & proper governance as promised in their Manifesto. People are already fed up & angry let them not disillusioned. Democracy at times put us in tight spot. Unless you get strong majority, you cannot implement your party's programme, agenda & rule somewhere you have to accommodate your partner but here it is a known one & except one or two, both the party have majority of the matured, experienced leaders, pro people. Conducting again & again the election is very expensive & huge waste of public money. See in Delhi, just for a few seats the process has to be conducted & huge waste of Money, which could have used for Developmental Work. Even then the Govt. has been formed & we saw 49 days rule & running away from responsibility to govern & shamelessly, again asking for opportunity with a bunch of in experience hood-looms who does not understand ABC of Admin & Governance. At-least now let us hope for any party get elected with majority seats. Shiv Sena & BJP should not forget irrespective of bad route in all most all states congress has fared well in Maha by getting 40 Plus seats it is due to good work done by the out gone CM who has ruled fairly well & stopped further chances of heavy corruption. See that his good work & plan should be continued all along to save the time & get good results. All the party's will make good plans but implementation & monitoring is the problem. Tx more  
i totally agree with Staney fernandes that for to make stable government BJP taking support and and taking other party POLITICIANS why as all are corrupted and due to which BJP also doing as by Congress were too why taking these people as due to which public were fed up with these parties due to which they voted in favour of BJP more  
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