Corruption in Delhi - Inputs on Solutions

Dear all:

Below are the key Root Causes and Issues relating to Corruption in Delhi.

Kindly review and suggest specific solutions that can be implemented by the Government to address these Issues and Root Causes.

We will then compile a whitepaper to be submitted to Arvin Kejriwal and his Delhi leadership team for actions.

We look forward to your inputs
Aam Aadmi Party


Corruption in Delhi – Root Causes:

1. Greed to make as much money while in position of authority
2. Chain of corrupt officials make it hard for the honest ones to survive/get work done
3. Interference of politics in governance
4. No fear of law among citizens
5. Lack of job security
6. Cost of living is becoming higher
7. The ‘me first’ attitude among citizens
8. People want to save time
9. Officers have a lot of authority
10. Work is usually done faster when a bribe is paid
11. There is a lack of control/supervision over Traffic police
12. Lack of a strong anti-corruption law in the state
13. A lot of Government offices are still technologically backward
14. Lack of computerization of information
15. Human interaction is a big part of everyday work which creates opportunity for corruption
16. Lack of inter-department coordination

Key Corruption Issues in Delhi

1. Traffic police asks for bribes to let go of challans
2. Police asks for a bribe to register FIR
3. Schools ask for ‘donations’ for admissions
4. Work cannot be done at the property registrar’s office till you pay a bribe
5. Police asks for bribe to let you complete construction of house
6. Bribes necessary to get a new electricity meter or water meter
7. Bribes are asked at the RTO to get a driving licence
8. Officers at VAT registration office ask for bribes
9. The Provident Fund department will not release your money unless you pay them a bribe
10. Income Tax inspectors take bribes and do not fine businesses for tax frauds
11. At the time of getting Birth/Death Certificate MCD officials demands some money
12. Getting a marriage certificate appointment without a tout/bribe is almost impossible
13. Businessmen needs to pay a heavy bribe to get a VAT refund
14. One needs to pay bribes to DDA to get any work done
15. Inspectors ask for a bribe during passport verification
16. Hawkers bribe the police and food department to be able to keep running shop
17. MCD asks for a bribe to open/clean sewage and drains
18. Bribe mandatory for building approval, fire / environmental clearance more  

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Gas subcidi ko bank k thru Dena bilkul galat hai janta paresan hai gas comp kahati hai bank se pooccomp or bank kahata hai gas comp se pata karo ? more  
Corruption will cease if either need for some "services" are reduced, transparency, accountability with quick enforcement, suspension and dismissal of corrupt officials is the "norm rather thsn the exception". The need for services can be reduced by reducing the "permit raj7" and "fast tracking" the process, lification of the laws, rules and regulations and documentation needs and requirements. A policy of "Right to Permits, Certificates ans Service" must be enshrined whereby any denial must be justified in writing by the official concerned. The affected aam aadmi can take up his case with the aam aadmi jury (see below) for immediste resolution and actions against corrupt officials.... right away. 65 + years have shown the elected and appointed officials have failed to provide clean, transparent and corruption free governments and governence. It is, therefore, time that the aam aadmi take over direct supervision of government and governence as ALL government departments.... Complaints, Anti-Corrrruption, Investigation personnel, judiciary etc. have ALL failed in their primary function of enforcing justice and protecting citizens from the arrogance, corruption and bullying tactics employed at all government facilities. They have all failed to understand it is the aam aadmi that "owns and are the masters of the nation" and the government is there to serve them and make life better for them... rather than the other way around. Therefore, as they have been found unsuitable, uninterested, incapable to serve the aam aadmi and investigate abuses by themselves, the aam aadmi must now enforce this by overall supervision and ensuring fair and speedy "justice and actions" so the aam aadmi's suffering is removed, by use of "juries" consisting of "randomly selected aam aadmi" at government offices who can immediately suspend (without pay or priveleges) corrupt and non-performing officials. Official's who feel they have been mistreated or denied justice can approach the judiciary that can only overturn a jury decison by a bench of judges passing a unanimous judgment against the jury decision (10-20 years is the norm here) WITHOUT ANY COMPENSATION OF ANY KIND. more  
Pls is there anyone to tell our leaders to respect the mandate given by all and put the house in order and stop playing blame game . People will not forgive any more. Pls stay united and work to build the party rather than building blocks within AAP. We are really pained with the recent development. I joined the party after my traditional family support to Congress my father was AICC legal cell chairman for more than 4 yrs but was disillusioned by the coterie business in the party. AAP is different and we have to prove that we are a party with a difference. Vivek Shama more  
Government Policies. Some policies are promoted in the name of socialism to help the poor and needy while the real game plan is vote bank politics. These policies become money making machines of the ruling party and influential politicians even in other parties. The poor continue to remain poor.The funds in the name of these policies are siphoned off, leading to mass scale corruption. Under the umbrella of these policies, dual pricing is promoted through subsidies, freebies etc. such as LPG, kerosene, food, laptops, mobiles etc.Subsidized products hardly reach to the people for whom it is meant. The taxpayer’s funds are diverted by the politicians and bureaucrats leading to enormous corruption. Suggestion: Dual pricing policy and all freebies should be abolished . Poor and needy should be helped for limited period through free education and social security system 1. Greed to make as much money while in position of authority (A) We need transparent mechanism with accountability and severe punishment for mis use of office. All procedures involving public dealing should be well documented and put up on the website of the department with complete details of the Application format and documents required to be submitted by the applicant without any ambiguity. Once the application is received, its status along with the deficiency, if any, to be put up on the website. Office will not have any right to ask additional documents, if all papers are complete. In case some documents are incomplete, the office will have to provide remedy. In case, the applicant is not satisfied, he/she will have the option to submit complaint to the competent authority, which will review the case and take necessary action. If the person concerned is still not satisfied, he/she can approach to quasi-judicial forum (to be set up by the Delhi Government). This body will examine the case and decide on spot (single hearing) about the case. It will also have the authority to fix accountability and award points (+/-) to the officials for handling of the case. 10 negative points could result in loss of one annual increment/adverse entry in the Annual Appraisal etc.etc. 2. Chain of corrupt officials make it hard for the honest ones to survive/get work done. (B) Each office should have an unmanned hotline phone with recording facility. Anyone can get his/her message recorded, giving complete details of the incidence so that the matter could be examined. The caller has the option to disclose his/her identity or keep it anonymous. This recording should be in the closed/sealed room under the control of very senior officer of integrity or could be with the very senior vigilance officials. The room should be opened in the presence of at least 2 very senior officers. True copy of the recording should be made and the original recording is kept under sealed lock. Rerecording be passed on to the designated officers for listening and further action.. Action may be taken on the basis of the information after secret inquiry to ascertain the facts. In no circumstances, identity of the caller should be disclosed. This system will give an opportunity to the honest officers to break the chain without taking the risk of disclosing his/her identity. It will also create a fear among the corrupt officials. 3. Interference of politics in governance © Interference by politicians is a serious offence. It needs to be implemented effectively. The officials carry out the instructions/requests meekly as they do not wish to annoy the politicians. Make it mandatory (1) If any official receives any request from any politician, he/she need to inform through e-mail to CM/Dy.CM/HOD within 24 hours. (2) While taking decision, the official should record along with the decision about the details of the call. Failing to do so, could attract disciplinary action against the official. On the basis of recorded information, it will be mandatory to register FIR against the politician for undue interference on government officials. 4. No fear of law among citizens. It is understandable as people believe that no action will be taken against the guilty. There is a need of full proof grievance mechanism. Each complaint should be disposed off within a stipulated period. The decision should be put up on the website. In case of delay, the case should automatically move to the higher level for quick disposal. If the complainant is not satisfied, he/she could request intervention of the quasi-judicial forum (to be set up by the Delhi Government) 5. Lack of job security—No comments. 6. Cost of living is becoming higher— It is the government duty to see that the wages are commensurate with the cost of living. As such, it is a lame excuse and does not merit consideration.. 7. The ‘me first’ attitude among citizens.—It is true all over the world. Strict discipline and compliance to just & fair rules and procedure should address this issue. Violators need to be handled firmly as per law. 8. People want to save time. Nothing wrong with it. If we follow the procedures as given in (A) above, it should solve this problem as well. All documents should be received at the main counter of the office from 7.00 am to 9.00 pm including weekends, so that people do not have to take off from their regular work/business. To the extent possible, accept documents online as well. If possible, accept documents at 8 to 10 convenient locations (electronically connected with the main office) in Delhi so that people do not have to travel long distances to submit documents. The status of application, further action, if any required should be available on the website within 24/48 hours of submission of the documents 9. Officers have a lot of authority—nothing wrong with it. The problem arises when authority is exercised without accountability. Presently, accountability is only on paper. Proper procedure need to be developed to make the officers accountable with carrot and stick policy. 10. Work is usually done faster when a bribe is paid—If work is done within reasonable time and status of each case with details of submission, completion etc is displayed on the website, it will be far more difficult for the people to jump the queue. Scrutiny of sample cases by the activists and proper action by the superiors can really put an end to it. 11. There is a lack of control/supervision over Traffic police –CCTV cameras should help. In addition, Delhi Government could pass a law that any resident of Delhi—employed in any sector (Govt. /Private) or unemployed could be asked to perform state community service for 2-3 days in a year. The secondary school and college students may also be involved in the community service during vacation. Either a department of Delhi Government or a voluntary organization in close co-ordination with the Government should ask the residents to give their preference for the type of work that they would like to do under the state community service. These volunteers on state duty can be deputed along with the traffic police and even in police stations, quasi-judicial duty, hospital/school service etc etc. The presence of such volunteers will prevent corruption among various public departments. These volunteers will also be handy in case of strike or emergency and give them an opportunity to learn about community services. Employed persons on such state duty should be considered on regular job (No leave needed from office). These volunteers could be paid small honorarium to meet their travel and lunch expenses. 12. Lack of a strong anti-corruption law in the state –While the Government can act on it, even implementation of existing laws can reduce corruption to the great extent. It is the lack of will and lackluster attitude of the Government staff due to “No Accountability” 13. A lot of Government offices are still technologically backward –Training can help. 14. Lack of computerization of information—If it is not there, then it need to be done. It can be introduced in phases. We cannot keep talking about it indefinitely. We have been talking about it for more than 25 years. 15. Human interaction is a big part of everyday work which creates opportunity for corruption-- Clear procedures ,awareness among public and effective grievance procedure should help in eradicating this problem to a large extent. Online services, wherever possible, to minimize human intervention. 16. Lack of inter-department coordination : It is due to lack of accountability and clearly defined responsibilities. Actions similar to those defined in (a) above should help. Key Corruption Issues in Delhi 1. Traffic police asks for bribes to let go of challans – State community service and CCTV cameras should take care of it. Introduce hotline as suggested in “B” above 2. Police asks for a bribe to register FIR -- State community service and CCTV cameras should take care of it. Introduce hotline as suggested in ”B” above 3. Schools ask for ‘donations’ for admissions : Introduce a centralized matching system for admission. The brief description of the system is as follows: (a) Apply online to a centralised admission system . (b) After all applications are received,Centralised Admission Unit(CAU) will assess how many students may not get admission due to limitations on number of seats. At this stage,CAU will have to suggest possible solutions to the education Department for immediate action to ensure that no child is left out. (c) One application for one child but with the option to apply upto 10 schools. (d) Each applicant will be invited to the school for interview by the school. (e) After all interviews are over in all schools for each candidate, school will send the list of the successful candidates. This list has to be at least 5 times of the number of the students to be admitted or at least 80% of the students interviewd. (f) Each candidate will also have to give his preference for at least 5 schools indicating 1, 2, 3 etc. (g) Computer program to allocate schools on the basis of list of successful candidates submitted by each school and preference indicated by the candidates. (h) Some schools and candidates may enter into some understanding for a donation or some other considerations (School will assure the candidates to include their name under successful category and ask them to give preference no 1 for their school). This can be taken care of by combining preference no 1 and 2 as 1st preference and thus reducing the probability of a specific school. (i) Some candidates with P1 and P2 may not find place. (j) Now allocate seats to candidates with P3 and so on. (k) It is possible that some candidates may not get any school and some seats are still vacant in some schools. (l) CAU may fill unfilled seats randomly through computer program, ignoring whether the students were successful or not. (m)Similar exercise may be done for seats reserved under some special categories 4. Work cannot be done at the property registrar’s office till you pay a bribe: Procedure as mentioned in A should be useful. Fix CCTV cameras in property Registrar’s office. Make the system online. 5. Police asks for bribe to let you complete construction of house. Introduce Recording phone system as suggested under B 6. Bribes necessary to get a new electricity meter or water meter: Introduce online system for water/electricity meters. Systems as suggested in A and B should be helpful. 7. Bribes are asked at the RTO to get a driving licence. The problem is that many people want license without proper driving. Fix CCTV cameras in RTO offices. Even if someone is paying bribe to get the license, authorities should encourage people to give details of such inspectors on recorded phone system as suggested in B above. Authorities, can catch suspected inspectors through sting operations. The fear so created will solve the problem to a great extent. 8. Officers at VAT registration office ask for bribes 9. The Provident Fund department will not release your money unless you pay them a bribe 10. Income Tax inspectors take bribes and do not fine businesses for tax frauds 11. At the time of getting Birth/Death Certificate MCD officials demands some money 12. Getting a marriage certificate appointment without a tout/bribe is almost impossible 13. Businessmen needs to pay a heavy bribe to get a VAT refund 14. One needs to pay bribes to DDA to get any work done 15. Inspectors ask for a bribe during passport verification 16. Hawkers bribe the police and food department to be able to keep running shop 17. MCD asks for a bribe to open/clean sewage and drains 18. Bribe mandatory for building approval, fire / environmental clearance For various issues listed at 8 to 18, actions suggested above should eradicate the corruption to a great extent. more  
Tungal Singh All colony roads are blocked with the cars causing inconvenience to the members of the colonies. No one should be allowed to park the vehicles on roads. In emergency, it will be very difficult to escape from the colonies. So, the Delhi Government should formulate such policies so that the only person having parking space shall buy the vehicles. It is also cause of conflict among the neighbours. more  
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