Corruption in Govt Transfers/Postings - Solutions
We will then compile a whitepaper for sharing it with key stakeholders.
Transparency International India
Corruption in Govt postings and transfers – Root Causes
1. Officers who have the power of postings and transfers in their hand, misuse their authority
2. People don’t mind paying bribes for promotions/transfers as they know that they will make enough by taking bribes once they get the seat
3. Honest employees are scared of raising their voices against seniors
4. Businesses pay up to keep the officers faithful to them in their position so that the work/permissions of the businesses are not hampered
5. Some employees don’t want to transfer just for the sake of their family
6. Getting a fake medical certificate is very easy in India
7. Influential middle men make posting/transfer their business so that they could earn a good commission
8. Bad postings are sometimes used as a punishment
9. The process of transfers and postings is very opaque
10. Posting of officers/inspectors at centres, which are considered a boon for extra income, are unofficially tendered and those offering the highest amount is considered most suitable for such postings
11. Transfers & postings is a lucrative industry for politicians and senior bureaucrats which does not need any investment and has no risk
12. High profile postings have political involvement and a high price to be paid for getting a suitable posting.
Corruption in Govt Postings and Transfers – Key Issues
1. Transfers and postings are used as weapons against employees
2. Many Government employees bribe their seniors to get transfers and postings of their choice, esp in State Government
3. In many cases, employees who are not willing to pay bribes are transferred to remote locations
4. Honest employees who end up being impediments in unethical activities are transferred frequently
5. Businesses pay bribes to stop the promotion of some employees
6. Employees also bribe the competent authorities for stopping their own transfer
7. Fake medical and hospital certificates are shown to stop transfers. more