Corruption in State Education: Inputs on Solutions
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Transparency International India
Corruption in State Education Depts - Key Root Causes
1. Officers use their authority and powers to siphon a part of the grant money
2. The general perception is that a Government job is supposed to be a seat to make black money
3. Set percentage commission is set for people who are responsible for allotting aid money
4. It is easier for educational trusts to receive money/grants from the Government
5. Lack of a department to check if the allotted money is being used in the right direction
6. Once the grants are provided, there is no defined process where the receivers transparently report how the grant is being spent
7. There is a lack of dedication from the teaching community
8. Many people bribe their way into the state education department and want to make the money back once they are appointed
9. There is a lot of ignorance from the authority.
Corruption in State Education Depts - Key Issues
1. A part of the Government funds never reach the education system and are lost to corruption
2. Officers responsible for releasing these funds are themselves a part of the corrupt chain
3. Once the Government education system receives the funds, majority of it is not utilized in the right place
4. Aid funds are misused
5. Educational institutions show higher expenses that what they actually incur and the management pockets the balance
6. Some people start educational trusts just so that they could get funds from the Government/NGOs
7. It is easy for people with political connections to get access to such funding
8. Some schools have no/very less number of children studying but they still get funding from the Government agencies
9. Low quality mid-day meal is provided to the children but the money charged is very high
10. Some Government teachers have other businesses, professions they are engaged in on the side. more