
It`s everyday news in paper that people get caught while accepting bribes, at various level. These includes all Central & State Govt. Dept. Police, PSUs, Civic authorities, etc. It`s now proven that both Central & State Govt. failed on this front, the mail manifesto of BJP.
Unless Govt. should ensure that the life of people indulge in corruption be devastate. But who will bell the cat??????????????????????????? more  

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From the begning i wrote that,all politicians are same crews from the same ship. if caught red hand while accepting bribe,throw him out from the service immediately with out giving any service/dept benifits.( yeh sub chahha bateeja chalattahai ) screws of law's are very loose in our country . more  
There are some places where the corruption is under radar.. if you read todays Gujarat Samachar in Vadodara an official was caught red handed from stamp duty valuation dept. there are hopes to have the corruption eradicated if individual decides to avoid bribery. more  
BJP is just doing mere symbolism and nothing else and we have seen the progress report in past 10 months or so more  
Govt.has initiated steps against corruption by atleast introducing law against black money which is one form of corruption. The results get reflected after 5 years.No other govt.has even spoken for corruption.It is good that this govt.has atleast made an environment where people are debating for corruption eradication.The begining is good.PM and CM websites are in place and we can make use of the same for reporting cases.But in the end,we have to stop giving before they stop taking. more  
We expected a lot from both center and state governments to reduce the corruption, which has happened. If they control the corruption at customs,excise,IT and other tax collecting agencies and plug the loopholes, common man may need to pay income tax. We expect tangible results from our new PM and Finance Minister on this count. more  
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