Couriers - Overcharging Scam

The rise of the Courier Services has come about in our country, thanks to Ecommerce, and with them we are seeing the appearance of Courier Service Provider Aggregators like Shiprocket.

Now comes my point… We are presently using Shiprocket to ship our fledgling business, products, however we are constantly having to be engaged in ‘Weight Discrepancy’ Disputes with Shiprocket simple because the Courier Companies are relentlessly disputing the valid size & weight of our packets and generally overcharging by 100%.

While we are small, we not only notice these overcharges, but we also are spending way too much of our time and efforts engaged in constant dispute resolutions – which we end up winning – all because these Courier Companies are seemingly intentionally overcharging for their services.

We generally win the dispute, because, but now we have to take the extra measure of making the courier ‘sight and then sign’ the weighing and measurements of the standard package we use… which are well within the boundaries of all courier companies weights/size differentials including volumetric size/weights.

All of this is troublesome now, what to speak of when we get bigger? Would we have to employ a full-time worker to engage in the dispute process???

Joking aside this is a real problem that must be addressed.

Now because none of these large Ecommerce aggregators do not have a real person involved and we cannot speak with a person who has the authority to address such needs we are left to the mercy of these companies. For example, Uber / Amazon – all automated… you cannot speak to human being.

Gratefully the BJP Government has regulated services, like GST in Restaurants or Amazon, there is a dire need to address the courier/shipping industry now.

A small fledgling company simply cannot and should not be cheated like this…

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Under the circumstances, diffusion not explosion should be the aim. Many problems are known to have been solved through dialogue than through duel. Sages have always voted for compromise against confrontation....the major lesson from Mahabharata...... Hope, I'm not talking in riddles......
DEAR SREE DASA,you may get guidance from the NATIONAL HELP LINE FOR THE CONSUMERS 1600 11 4000.But you have to have specific proof of this CHEATING ACT.With regards.BN DAS
All the E-Commerce Agencies should have their specific Terms & Conditions of performing the business which should be prescribed with their each and every deal. All the E-Commerce Agencies should provide specific contact details like specific web page/email ID and landline/mobile number of contact person and respond properly to all the contacts regularly and try to guide the people in right direction. If possible, E-Commerce Agencies should have an office in all the states/district/city where business is in good response so that people have a faith for it proper usage.
Yes, most of the online platforms, doesn't have dedicated customer care. some of them don't have customer care mail id. I face similar challenge with OLA, UBER, AMAZON, PAYTM etc.
It should be penalised and be cautious against the mis-leading by the authority
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