Curbing black money in real estate

Despite phenomenal growth in housing sector, a decent house for middle / upper middle class family is becoming a distant dream. Honest salaried class has been slowly edged out of its life time dream of having a modest house of its own. And the reason is not difficult to trace - Investment of black money by unscrupulous politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen in real estate which is considered to be safest inland avenue. Vested interests have ensured that no step at all is taken to curb the menace.
What can be done? Every registry office should have a designated official empowered to purchase the property being sold at the price mentioned in the sale deed. Acting on behalf of the government, he will have the first right over property. The official will be well aware of the market rate. The property thus purchased will be auctioned online to highest bidder above the reserve price. The entire sale proceeds will have to be paid by the bidder from his loan account. This single stroke will cut the black money in real estate by at least half, if not more. more  

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I am in agreement with Mr. Singh. It is an open secret that a lot of cash element goes into property purchases with the builder encouraging the same. There are numerous cases of the builders cheating on their investors and still having the guts to roam scot free. On the contrary it is the investor who is left in the lurch and finds that apart from our honorable courts intervention, none in the system is willing to lend a helping hand. The police is under the political influence and would not file FIR's or take undue long time in investigations and come out with a mild report which sort of favours the builder. There is an urgent need for drastic reforms in this sector and the basis has to be a balanced agreement between the buyer and the investor. Severe penalties in terms of fines, imprisonment are the need of the hour. Hope this government, whom we have elected in majority, includes this also as an important and focus area. more  
I totally agree with ur views in this regards, also there is much more involved than meets the eye . With the kind of black money involved in real estate a lot needs to be done to bring all this money into mainstream for the progress of this nation more  
WHY THIS PROBLEM IN THE REAL ESTATE? OUR MEGA TERRORIST, ULTRA ANARCHIST, SUPER CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, USELESS, ANTI-INDIA, ANTI-INDIAN, ANTI-HINDU, ANTI-MUSLIM, ANTI-SIKH, ANTI-CHRISTIAN, ANTI-JAIN, ANT!-BUDDHIST, ANTI-JEW & ANTI-PARSI JOKEPALERS & THEIR ALLIES 1947-2014 CORRUPTED INDIA TO THE CORE TO DESTROY IT & CREATED THE WORLD'S MOST COMPLEX PROBLEMS INCL POVERTY - 30-77% BPL NOW - & ONE OF THEM BECAME THUS THE 4TH RICHEST! They r responsible for all Human Rights crimes, nepotism, 100% criminalized & paralyzed politics, mafia-sabotaged economy, crony capitalism, inept bureaucracy, mega unemployment, illiteracy, very poor standards of life, education, healthcare & extremely poor infrastructure. The FDI, meant only for round tripping, laundering & reinvesting their loot, is the biggest heist in history. Most cities, towns & villages lack enough electricity, clean water, roads, IT & other essential services even now! They created history's biggest brain & resource drain, exodus, sky-high inflation, genocides, very poor defence, terrorism, bad plannings, lack of opportunities for a decent life, communalism & extremism. THEY MANIPULATED THE CASTE SYSTEM & MADE IT INHUMAN, UNHINDU & ANTI-HINDU TO DESTROY HINDUS & INDIA. They created all environmental issues incl polluted air, water & adulterated food causing cancer, asthma, NDM-1 etc & syndicates terrorizing citizens. They made sure that there is no child/seniorcare worth the name, almost 0 achievement in sports & games. They neglected our culture, values, national unity, integration, agriculture, industry, R&D & IT. VIA WORLD RECORDS IN SCAMS, THEY REDUCED THE RICHEST NATION INTO A VERY POOR ONE, AN OLIGARCHIC KLEPTOCRACY, LUNATIC ASYLUM & WASTELAND. CRIME & OPPRESSION R THE ONLY THINGS THEY R GOOD AT, BORN & LIVE FOR. USING A JOKEPAL & OTHER REGRESSIVE LAWS AS SHIELD, THEY'VE BEEN TRYING TO DESTROY OUR ECONOMY & NATION FURTHER. ONLY THE BIGGEST THUGS MAY BECOME THE BIGGEST LEADERS, AS A CLEAR PREMIUM HAS BEEN PLACED ON ALL NEGATIVE ASPECTS OF HUMAN CHARACTER! THEY R THUS EXTREME THREATS TO THE PERSONAL SAFETY, SECURITY, WELFARE & EXISTENCE OF ALL INDIANS & OUR REAL ENEMY NO 1.THEY R DOING NOTHING THAT POLITICIANS MUST & EVERYTHING THEY SHOULDN'T! DYNASTIES R OUR BIGGEST BANES. India is a victim of their conspiracy to keep it permanently problem-riddled, exploited & poor. ALL OUR SYSTEMS R NOW CORRUPTED & DESTROYED, BY BREAKING ALL NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL LAWS, RULES & REGULATIONS MAINLY BY CON & CO. THEY'VE MADE CORRUPTION THE ONLY PROFITABLE & PRACTICABLE WAY OF LIFE! Total lawlessness & anarchy prevail, tarnishing our image, repelling investors & resulting in almost 0 production. Our national interests r being sacrificed & vital natural resources plundered. Nothing in India works now as it ought to. THIS MOST MISMANAGED DEMOCRACY is thus facing dire multiple dangers of all kinds. No nation can survive the ongoing sure & steady decline. Hence, Modiji ought to work out new holistic solutions asap. more  
A NEW VISION & STRATEGY TO MAKE OUR INDIA THE RICHEST, MOST POWERFUL & BEST WELFARE NATION: INDIA NEEDS NOW AN IMMEDIATE LEADERSHIP, SYSTEM & PARADIGM CHANGES BY AN ALLIANCE OF THE GOOD AGAINST EVIL. It must result in a 100% democratic, credible, dynamic, proactive & interactive ruling group asap. We need a new moral rearmament, thorough metamorhosis & complete makeover to bid goodbye to the murky JOKEPAL past & present & welcome a glorious future. Only an entirely new breed of good, honest, enlightened, modern & progressive politicians, totally committed to the nation & its citizens & equipped with an adequate agenda, can give our Grand Indian Dreams an entirely different & good direction, dimension, quality, content & impetus & also lead us firmly into the 21st century. So, all good Indians must enter politics & unseat the criminal ones in it today. A national & international talent hunt is needed. The new leaders must change the present primitive, anachronistic, completely hollow & hero-based JOKEPAL politics to a serious, modern, ideology, objective, value, principle & agenda-based one. A clear premium must be placed on all real merits, honesty, integrity & patriotism to engineer a reverse brain & resource drain & signal a necessary, complete & thorough changes.The present manipulated,100% unHindu & anti-Hindu caste system created by our JOKEPAL politicians 1947-2014, must be abolished forthwith. A holistic & scientific national agenda for progress & welfare based on the superb Swedish model ought to be worked out & made our sole guiding star. INDIA FIRST ALWAYS, WELFARE TO ALL & PRIVILEGES TO NONE, FROM ALL ACCORDING TO ABILITY & TO ALL ACCORDING TO NECESSITY MUST BECOME OUR NEW NATIONAL MOTTOES. By rewriting the outdated Indian Constitution,100% accountability & transparency must be ensured & power decentralized. All our corrupted & destroyed systems, incl the 4 pillars of our democracy, must be saved & put in foolproof working condition. All main problems must be identified & solved. We need a new foreign policy, join NATO - our natural allies - procure new, good & powerful friends & a permanent seat in UNSC. We must engineer a polarization between the good & evil & annihilate the latter. It must undo all the harm done by our totally corrupt, criminal, completely useless, anti-Indian & anti-India politicians 1947-2014. FOR THAT VITAL MISSION, IT MUST CAPTURE FULL POWER AT THE CENTRE & IN THE STATES ASAP. IT MUST START BY JAILING ALL THE CORRUPT & RETRIEVING THE TRILLIONS THEY'VE LOOTED & STASHED AWAY AT HOME & ABROAD. IT MUST BE INVESTED INSTANTLY IN POVERTY & ILLITERACY ELIMINATION, EMPLOYMENT, WELFARE, INFRASTRUCTURE INCL IT IN GENERAL & ELECTRICITY, CLEAN WATER & OTHER ESSENTIAL SERVICES TO ALL IN PARTICULAR. LET'S THUS SAVE INDIA & INDIANS GIVE EACH & EVERY CITIZEN A BRAND NEW FAIR DEAL BLESSED WITH 100% SAFETY, SECURITY, WELFARE, ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES & A DECENT & HUMAN-WORTHY LIFE! AFTER THAT V MUST SAVE THE REST OF THE WORLD, TOO! more  
AS THE MEGA CORRUPTION IN INDIA - including the one in real estate - is extremely widespread & deep-rooted, it demands a barrage of holistic measures to solve it & thereby save the nation & it citizens from the cancer. Isolated measures like doing something only about the real estate situation will not suffice at all, as it is only a part of the problem & not the entire one, mind! HENCE, I PROPOSE THESE MODERN, SCIENTIFIC & GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE HOLISTIC SOLUTIONS: 1 LAUNCH OPERATION CLEAN UP WITH A CORRUPTION CHECK ON ALL MINISTERS, LEADERS, top bureaucrats & their kith & kin; prosecute the guilty in a new anti-corruption court 2 Give citizens & residents 3 weeks to declare assets & incomes; jail all with wealth disproportionate to known sources & amnesty to volunteers 3 Confiscate assets from 1 & 2 & invest in a new poverty & illiteracy eradication program, jobs, infrastructure incl IT, electricity, clean water & other essential services to all 24-7 4 Strict new laws incl JANLOKPAL to end corruption & retrieve black money 5 Modern billing system with a chip connected to the ITD in the cash register of businesses, multiple checks, new ID system & salaries only via banks 6 Rewrite the IC to ensure full transparency, accountability & standardized laws for all 7 E-governance 8 Liberalize economy a la Sweden (unique capital-labour-govt bonding & CSR) 9 Reform & save all 4 sick pillars of democracy 10 Invest in agriculture, make India greener &stop pollution 11 Lifetime bar for all convicted for 6 m/more from elections 12 Laws for 0 discrimination 13 Reform work of politicians, parties & bureaucrats 14 State funding of parties based on the no of seats won at panchayat, municipal, state & LS polls,100% transparency for donations15 A 2-term ceiling for PM & P 16 New laws to ensure100% equality & protection for women 17New minimum wages, land reforms &social justice 18 Eco & environment-friendly, sustainable growth & energy self-sufficiency via solar panel roads, roofs, electric automobiles, nano tech etc 19 Overpopulation stop via fp & monogamy 20 Abolish the present manipulated, 100% unHindu & antiHindu caste system 21 New social security for the disabled, children & old 22 Total welfare, health scheme & insurance 23 New day & nightcares, leisure centers for all & homes for seniors & destitutes 24 Make education modern, free & compulsory 25 Build 1 school & library per 1K residents 26 Make the ratio of the lowest & highest salaries in the public sector1:5 27 Microloan for all 28 Reverse brain & resource-drain 29 Save farmers, producers & retailers from FDI aftermath 30 Justice to all riot victims 31 0 crime tolerance, case settlement within1 month per court 32 Ban bandhs 33 New laws to improve democracy, election system, work culture & 100% safety & security 34 New export, import & foreign policies to secure welfare, borders, peace & fight terrorism 35 Improve R&D, planning, housing, transport, railways, storage, quality of air, water, food, medicines & consumer-rights 36 Promote meritocracy, national unity, patriotism, inventions, swadeshi small, medium & big industries & IT, culture, massmedia, literature, film & art 37 Make defence & its industry no1 in the world to create jobs, deter & expand territory. 38 Make Kashmir a pucca Indian state 39 India must join NATO, UNSC & FORM ASIAN UNION 40 Premium for tax payers & whistle blowers 41 Build 600 M lowcost houses & toilets... more  
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