Current Political Scene In The Country
1. It was rewarding to get encouraging comments to my post of yesterday. The charity begins at home . "Whenever things start going wrong in your command ;start looking for flaws in concentric circles starting from your own desk". This ideology has been a key to success to many individuals and organizations. The change can not come overnight , it is a slow process if the intentions to bring about change are mixed or unsure. The change can enhance the speed of transformation if more and more minds and individuals contribute to legitimate changes which are desired by the people.
2. People should not expect a radical change if new faces come into the power ; older the iron more the rust and longer it takes for rust removal. The impact of change must start from the nerve center of the country - the corridors of power that is Delhi. I am not trying to advocate that AAP will sit in the parliament as a ruling party. I am trying to say that AAP should be given a conclusive edge over others so that the majority ,if not all the Delhi seats go in favor of AAP. This itself will be adequate to make a visible dent in the parliament wherein the voices of the people will at least be heard and unilateral decisions may be avoided.If this happens , the effects will be cascading.
3. The question is people friendly governance and concern towards basic needs of the people ; the one who can assure this must be the in-charge.Today members swap parties for what reasons? To enhance the efficiency of the party being joined - no to enhance own chances of coming into power. I am confident that even a handful number of clean AAP members of parliament can openly ask other elected MP to join their hands against corruption ; if done so a common man will see for himself as to who are the elected leaders who really want to fight the corruption without hunger for power. Will this not encourage and enhance the confidence of the people and may be many MP sitting on the fence may join hands with AAP. A word of caution , if AAP accepts any one with doubtful credentials - it will be the beginning of the end for AAP. As I understand , AAP is not hungry for power it is against the corruption. The fight for this must continue.
4. I personally do not wish to make comments on the doings of various leaders irrespective of the party to which they belong ; it is entirely their choice as long as people understand their intentions. The fight against corruption has to commence from urban areas, if done so with selfless intentions the effect will automatically go to rural areas and people will get influenced with this transformation.
5. AAP needs to be above board in own credentials , integrity , professional honesty and their hunger to fight for people of the country. If your own house is not in order ; I am afraid the cosmetics will get washed away rapidly. Once own house is in order ; the Country has no deficiency of capable professional to take care of country's influence over the globe.
6. We all know , it was a tortoise who was the winner and not the rabbit .
with best wishes,
Brig Pradeep Yadu more