Data Back Advise
The 3-2-1 system means three copies of your important data stored in two different mediums with one copy in a remote location. It is one of the most simple and efficient back-up strategy in existence.
Make three copies of your data
When making three copies of your data, one must analyze which data is important and which is not since less is better when backing up. For example, you should ask yourself is those Game of Thrones episode you already watched as important as the tax documents or the report you have been working on. If the particular piece of data can be easily recreated in under 5 minutes (download, stream or copy from a friend) you probably can ignore them.
It is also important to have an organized files structure before you back them up. Divide all your data into 'archived files' and those you are currently working on which. The Archive folder, which will hold your personal documents and photos, could be organised chronological or based on the type of data.
Use two different mediums
Why use two different mediums? In general people tend to back up to an external hard-drive and are quite satisfied with that. But imagine what if your computer's USB ports failed for some reason? And do remember that these days the USB ports of laptops are always attached to the motherboard making them replacing very expensive. Hence one must use two different mediums. In general we one medium must be an external drive, while other can be the good old optical discs (CDs/DVD) if you have the drives to read them, Memory Cards or free Cloud Storage like Dropbox depending on the size of your data.
Keep one copy off-site
We are never guaranteed any safety from disasters, whether its natural or man-made. Only in those unfortunate events, like a fire in your home or theft, the significance of the remote back up arises. You can just keep a copy of your data password protected in optical discs or hard drive at a close friend's place or a bank locker if you have one. Cloud storage is a viable solution, but remember that during a disaster, access to the internet may not be easy. more