Dear All, I read Mr. Chetan Bhagat's article in Times of India, 1st November, 2014. It throws insights on Swatcha Bharat Andolan. The catch of the article "clean up 10 metres of your neighbourhood, the whole country could be neat and clean". True, "Where there is a will, there is a way". I have started maintaining a park "WOOD PARK" in Indiranagar, Bengaluru since MAY, 2014. Every month on first Sunday we clean the park with the help of Transport Department officials.,(I was Transport Commissioner, Karnataka earlier, now I am retired) local public and park users. One Software Company brought 27 young volunteers, Transport Department provided implements, One Walk mate offered us breakfast, and we all cleaned up the park in just one hour. It is one acre park with lot of children play area. It was cleaned up in just two hours. We followed the message of our beloved Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. Earlier the park was not in good shape. Now with the people's participation, the park has gained not only tidiness but also beautiful to look at. I spoke to the volunteers at the end of the programme, and hinted at the Editorial of Mr. Chetan Bhagat. Soon after the programme, we were coming out of the park gate, but we saw an astonishing thing. The neighbour of the park one Mrs. Mala was seen cleaning up the front side of the house for 10 metres. What we need motivation and leadership. There are a number of good Samaritans who are very serious about cleanliness. Mrs. Mala is one person. I walk in the park everyday. I was always thinking of keeping it neat and clean. BBMP was not doing its best in keeping the place neat and clean. So we started doing it by ourselves once in a month. After seven attempts, there is no slush, dust and garbage in the park. In addition, in the last round of my walk, I pick up plastic, waste clothes, rags and trash and dispose them in the designated place. It has given a lot of happiness and pleasure to all the walk mates.
No.300, 10th Main Road
2nd stage, Indiranagar,