Bavachi oil when applied on the Skin helps to improve skin Tone and controls Leucoderma, you can dilute it with Til oil 50+50 % apply, it penetrates the skin easily and helps. As you say she is already eating Bavachi powder applicaition also will help better as the oil has certail component to help the Skin. Another thing which will help is Ingestion of Evening Primrose oil- 1 Tea Spoon Everyday. Evening primrose is not only an a natural hormone regulator, it also help correct the imbalances in the body. This condition is the result of the imbalances of the body. she can also try alternate nostrils breathing (anulom Vilom) followed by Kapal bhati, these exercises help regulate bodys bio chemistry. more
Mr.Ravi Ratan, Only bavachi oil ? she is eating bavachi and kher pavadar since last one year. Pl tell more medicine. likes SUN raise, yoga or any churna,what she can eat or not in food. Pl give us details. Regards Kanaiyalal Vaghela more
You have fatty liver but your doctor wasn't concerned and just said "We'll keep an eye on it." Here's why you need to address it now and how: 1. Liver health affects metabolism...
WHAT IS FATTY LIVER DISEASE? Fatty liver disease is simply the abnormal build up of fat in the liver. A healthy and high functioning liver contains fat, however it becomes a p...
Cancer cells die in 42 days This amazing Austrian drink has cured more than 45 thousand people. You will also forget about other dangerous diseases, such as diabetes, pneumonia, heart at...
was enacted to regulate advertisements concerning drugs and prevent the promotion of remedies claiming "magic" qualities. Under this act, both Indian and multinational pharmaceutical companies, inc...
Sugar is a carbohydrate and like all carbohydrates, they are the source of energy for your body. Your body breaks down added sugar into glucose which helps to provide your body with energy. There a...
Take a look at the Attached picture of stomach, Esophagus and Pylorus please : The condition happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES ) muscle relaxes at the wrong time, ALLOWI...
1. Sugar & high carb diet, spike in insulin; take low carb diet: Carbohydrates are blamed for a lot of things, but when it comes to carbs and water retention, the accusation is a fai...
Acid reflux is misunderstood. The stomach needs acid to digest. When acid is high it doesn’t reflux into the esophagus. When low it does. If there’s none it will reflux, but you won&rsq...
A doctor friend who specialises in diabetes is here in Delhi. He told me Heart disease is the leading cause of death. But it’s insulin resistance that causes heart disease, stroke...
By Vikram Gupta
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