Delhi back to high cases 3036 yday

3,036 new Covid_19 cases reported and things are already deteriorating again after some respite. If people dont control themselves in festive time we will easily go to 10000 per day. Summary below report attached.

3,14,224 total positives

45 new deaths

5,854 total deaths

21,490 active patients

54,957 new tests(43,935 antigen, 11,023 Other more  

Incidentally, although the number of Positive Cases in Delhi was 3036 on 13 October 2020 the Positivity Rate was 5.52 on 54957 tests. And the number of non-RAT tests was 11023. This included RT-PCR tests. more  
Over the 16 days between and including 28 September to 13 October my calculations based on the actual DAILY Delhi Bulletin figures show that the average number of total DAILY tests carried out in Delhi during this period (16 days) was 46. The average DAILY Positivity Rate during this period was 5.46%. The lowest DAILY Positivity Rate during this period was 4.99 and the highest DAILY Positivity Rate during this period was 5.82. more  
DELHI. The only thing is that the positive cases in Delhi are from relatively high levels of testing. Also non-RAT tests including RT-PCR have been in the region of 10000 daily, even crossing 11000 in number more than once. Considering that the capacity for daily RT-PCR tests is only 14000 for Delhi, is it possible to have more RT-PCR/non-RAT tests on a daily basis? How can you use full capacity every day particularly when RT-PCR is a complex test requiring skill and a lab as well? In spite of this the Positivity Ratio in Delhi has been consistently less than 6.00 and often close to 5.00 EVERY DAY for about two weeks. According to WHO a Positivity Rate of less than 5.00 for two weeks, indicates a controlled situation. Even the national Positivity Rate is now in the region of 5-6. more  
Caution is already being thrown to the winds in most areas. People are now not wearing masks like they used to, just a few weeks ago. "Chalta Hai" attitude has returned. I have noticed that more than 25% of people who are out shopping, etc. are not wearing masks. Thela and Rehriwallas who used to wear masks earlier have stopped this good practice. Spitting on roads is still rampant. Shops have stopped the practice of hand sanitizers at entry to their shops. People just don't care about social distancing.... Government can only do one thing..... make rules and systems to be followed. One more thing that Government can do is to mercilessly fine people who break the rules., but we know that we cannot do this in our country...." tumko pata nahin mein kaun hoon"??????? more  
Agreed. Sad. more  
Throwing caution into the wind at this juncture shall prove detrimental...... more  
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