Delhi Police Bribe rates

Had accompanied a friend from Noida last week to restaurants in Mehrauli to find a venue for their anniversary party. 3 out of 5 restaurants said if they wanted to play music beyond 10 pm, the police rate was fixed at 10,000. However 1 said that if you want it beyond 12, rate would be much higher and if some one complains and the police visits the restaurant, you will need to pay much much more probably 50K to 1 lakh as bribe money.

So I suggest anytime there is music beyond 10 pm and you are getting disturbed, complain the hell out of them so the bribe givers find it harder.

Delhi Police you really need to look at what your PCR vans and SHOs are doing. more  

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Hi Not only police bro this is the case of all Govt Public Dealing Offices. Why to blame only Police this has happened in Sub Registrar and SDM offices also. I share my experience : I purchased a flat in a building consisting 12 Flats on 4 floors, 3 flats each floor. 10 out of 12 are sold and Registry for 9 flats cleared by Sub Registrar but my registry got impounded because they all 9 paid 25-30 K for clearance of their registry to the Sub registrar through the brokers and why my registry is impounded because I did no pay bribe to them. One year passed I have written three letters each to Sub Registrar and SDM but neither I got my registry cleared nor any satisfactory reply from any one. This is the reason that police is not afraid of any action because they know that no one is going to take action against them as all are culprits. What can be the solution for this, think????? more  
yes this is ridiculous Delhi Police is working on this matter more  
My comments: for your safety "Jaane bhi do yaaron" more  
I had made once a complaint regarding loudspeakers blaring sermons during auspicious period 24 hours to Local Police. Was advised to tolerate, so as not to hurt religious sentiments. It is expected of the Authorities to enforce law without a complaint. more  
Delhi Police or any police for that matter does not go to people's houses to tell them to please play music beyond 10 or even 12 so we can make some money. People violate the law, the neighbors complain and then the police comes into the picture and then the violators decide whether they pay the police or face charges in the court and then pay. Mostly the police get paid. And we don't complain crib about or criticize the law violators even in private discussion but the police corruption becomes the focus of corruption. The whole situation is s such that no one has been able to control the police corruption in the country. ATTACK THE ROOT CAUSES OF CORRUPTION AND NOT ITS PERIPHERY. THIS APPROACH HAS NOT WORKED FOR THE LAST 70 YEARS. TIME TO THINK AND CHANGE STRATEGY. START A CAMPAIGN FOR EXPOSURE OF LAW VIOLATORS AT PUBLIC FORUMS AND IN PRIVATE DISCUSSIONS. MEDIA CAN PLAY A GREAT ROLE BY NOT UNWITTINGLY MAKING HEROES OUT OF CRIMINALS more  
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