Dengue Season Coming - Precautions

#1: Turn over empty pails and buckets, so that they do not collect excess water. If the container that contains water cannot be emptied, remember to cover it well when not in use.

#2: Remember to clean out empty flower pots and not to over water potted plants. It is advised to not have any stagnant water around as it acts as breeding ground for the mosquitoes.

#3: Apply mosquito repellents on all exposed areas, during the day as well as at night on a regular basis to prevent dengue. Here are some innovative ways to keep your home mosquito free.

#4: Make sure your window and door screens do not have any holes. If so, block those areas properly to eliminate mosquitoes.

#5: If someone at home is ill with dengue, try to not let the mosquitoes bite them or others in the house.

#6: Always sleep under a mosquito net (especially small children as they sleep during the day and hence, the chance of mosquito bite is high during this time).

#7: If you use a cooler remember to empty out and clean the water tray regularly, even when not in use.

#8: Always cover your trash can or dustbin when not in use.

#9: A natural method to keep mosquitoes at bay is to plant tulsi near your window. The plant has properties that do not allow mosquitoes to breed.

#10: Using camphor as a repellent also works wonders. Light camphor in a room and close all the doors and windows. Leave it this way for about fifteen to twenty minutes to have a mosquito free environment.

Caused due to the bite of an infected female aedes aegypti mosquito, the disease can be fatal. Once bitten it takes about four to ten days for the symptoms to show. The most common symptoms are –
High fever,
Severe headache,
Pain behind the eyes
Nausea and vomiting
Swollen glands
Muscle and joint pain
Skin rash (in some cases)

The more severe forms of dengue are hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. There is no clear treatment for the condition nor is there a vaccine against it, so the best way is to prevent the disease from occurring at all. As dengue is a completely preventable condition, all you have to do is take a few steps to keep yourself and your family safe. more  

View all 9 comments Below 9 comments
There is a difference between earlier days and present time People are conscious about cleanliness . They are working together for a common cause .I think People of Faridabad with the support MCF can eradicate the pro more  
Thanks shri Raja chandra ji & shri sanjeev bhatnagar ji,i know it is difficult to convince people but even if one person is motivated,he can eliminate many hidden breeding sites & can help him ,his family besides helping others .That one person becomes empowered for whole life & can teach many others .I am teaching security guards where ever i see dengue mosquitoes & offer them reward if they detect dengue mosquitoes near their residence in colonies like sangam vihar etc. I donot have to go to far away colonies to teach,the teaching material is in every colony.Yesterday i showed dengue mosquitoes to an officer of OBC bank.HUNDREDS OF DENGUE MOSQUITOES WERE HOVERING AROUND ONE PERSON IN FRONT OF HIS HOUSE & he was not aware .I have tiold him about the breeding place & the action to be taken .So i donot have to go there again & i have made one friend.I feel satisfied if some one benefit from my work without spending any money,just time & knowledge distributed. more  
Mr. V. K. Aggarwal, I do agree with you. But I feel problem is different. First - we always believe - this is the job of our very efficient MCD. Second - people you refer, it is very difficult to make them understand. Third - people have very high ego, they will not tolerate if you try to make them do some thing good for all of us. I believe this explains all the problems of Delhi. Pollution, road rage, traffic jam, very dirty, very high rate of road fatalities. more  
Good Suggestion more  
If you want to get your immunity level rise to fight against all diseases of all seasons then follow the program added below; Though this program is designed for Navaratry remember a period of nine days can start from any day YOU make a start. Game? Observe Navaratry as suggested below NAVRATRI HEALTH TIPS: DIET DURING NAVARATRY: Depending upon the personal body constitution the procedure is divided in 4 Sections as follows: A. Obese and Non Diabetic: Just stop all foods and start on plain Water or Lime water or Coconut water. Use a mix of these for first seven days. Change to Fresh Fruit Juice or sugarless Juice, for two remaining days. On the tenth day take a light meal and then gradually come back to normal food in 2-3 days time. (Expected Weight Loss, 4-5 Kgs) B. Obese and Diabetic: Stop all food. Start on Fresh or Sugarless Fruit Juice, preferably citrus, for all nine days. Divide the fruit juice in 4-5 equal parts. Take a light meal on tenth day. Come to normal food in 2-3 days time. (Expected Weight Loss, 3-4 kgs) C. Normal constitution: Stop all normal food. For first three days take nothing but water, lemon water or coconut water. From the fourth day onwards start on Fresh or Sugarless Fruit Juice. Take a light meal on tenth day. Come to normal food in 2-3 days time. (Expected Weight loss, 2-3 Kgs) D. Under weight and first timers: Stop Normal Food. Start on 4 to 5 Medium Bananas and one liter of pasteurized cow milk. Divide this food in three or four parts. Continue for nine days. Take a light meal on tenth day. Come to normal food in 2-3 days time. (Expected weight Loss, Nil) Other parts of the Therapy, (For all four sections): 1) Take fresh water Enema every day. (Arrangement available at the Charming Yoga Center). Alternatively, buy the kit from the center and take enema at home- Training is provided free. For those who cannot take enema, take a big cup of Spinach soup every day. Though it is less effective, is the best alternative. 2) Under no circumstances, consume any fried food, or spicy food. 3) Do not use any so called Phalahri foods prepared from Kattu, Singhara/Rajgira Atta, Saboodana etc. Do not eat sweets made from milk or above mentioned attas. 4) Drink lots of water. Total fluid intake should be about 3-4 liters per day. 5) Do not stop your Normal Exercises or other Physical activities. Those who devote long hours on Pujas etc., and cannot do exercise, should add 40 minutes of walking every day. 6) Those who chant sacred texts like Chandi Path or Durga Shapt Shati etc., some times feel drowsy during the chanting. They may, therefore, do their chanting with walking. This will help chanting without any bout of drowsyness. As a bonus, they will be bestowed with a healthy body. These steps will definitely improve the immunity levels. And better immunity will help everyone remain healthy and active. more  
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