Devastating elements of Campaigning Strategy of BJP / Mr Modi
I believe all of you would have seen the commercials, being aired between cricket matches, in which cricket metaphor is being used to seek votes for BJP.
I dont know if this is the right forum, but is there any way by which it can be communicated to the BJP marketing cell, that the ads are having devastating impact on the image of Mr Modi and BJP. Not only are they trivialising the whole idea of elections but also making it all look like a big joke. The marketing team should note that such disastrous ads and flawed marketing strategy will never appeal to the urban voter and the only impact it may have is that some fence sitters will decide against voting for BJP, seeing how wrong they can go in understanding people.
My humble request is that please design the media campaign carefully. I highly respect Mr Modi and his accomplishments as a leader. I look forward to India under his leadership and definitely don't want any silly mistakes from the party which prevent this from happening. more