Diabetes Epidemic due to fast food

India is now facing Diabetes epidemic, all thanks to samosas, pizzas& more: ICMR study

Fried, baked& ultra processed foods are fueling this health crisis

A diet rich in advanced glycation end products (AGEs) – which includes ultra processed and fast foods – is among the leading cause of India being the world’s diabetic capital notes a first-of-its-kind clinical trial finding published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, recently.

AGEs, are harmful compounds that are formed when sugars react with fats or proteins during high-temperature cooking, like frying or roasting - are directly linked to inflammation, a key factor behind diabetes.

The excessive consumption of unhealthy, ultra-processed foods is the root cause of our country’s chronic disease crisis!

Our country needs a Food Fix! more  

Eat fiberous leafy vegitables. Avoid all food made from maida, pizza deep fried spicy, soft packed drinks, as these foid poriducts needslonger digestion . eat onky half stomach and drink hot water after 20 minutes of eatinh. Eat only when hungry. Sleep well. Include brisk walking By eating heavy indigestive food, acid reflect s, migrane buring in lungs, clot in artries, galblader, constipation, piles rectum cancer are felt. Many specialists speach gives confidence to diabatic patients, main cause for type 2 diabatic are stress related, leadinh to BPand inadequate production insuline to digest heavy food. more  
Good post. One of the really worrying things for diabetes is the ubiquitous presence of glucose and liquid glucose in snacks. I find this in chikki and peanut based sweet snacks. Further, one tea vendor told me that they use glucose in tea for example in trains, local caterings etc as glucose gives more sweetness compared to sugar on a weight by weight basis. The more refined the sugar, the more harmful it is. We in local circles should keep drumming this fact in our immediate environment and hope this will have a snowballing effect. more  
Many have a fashionable nutritious breakfast that consists of Bread Toast , butter, Eggs, bacon and sausages. It is delicious and easy to eat without soiling the hands. WHEN BREAD IS COOKED AT HIGH TEMPERATURES, THE SUGAR IN THE BREAD REACTS WITH AN AMINO ACID TO FORM ACRYLAMIDE. This process is called the Maillard reaction and is what causes bread to brown. The darker the toast, the higher the level of acrylamide. EATING BURNT TOAST CAN INCREASE YOUR RISK OF EXPOSURE TO ACRYLAMIDE, A COMPOUND THAT MAY BE CARCINOGENIC: The animal studies have found that high levels of acrylamide can increase the risk of cancer, human studies have not been conclusive. However, the European Food Safety Authority says that acrylamide could increase the risk of cancer in humans, especially children. Food Standards Agency recommendations THE BRITISH FOOD STANDARDS AGENCY RECOMMENDS TOASTING BREAD TO A GOLDEN YELLOW COLOR OR LIGHTER. Toasting bread can also have some benefits: Digestion: Toasting breaks down carbohydrates and reduces water content, making bread easier to digest. Glycemic index : Toast has a lower glycemic index than untoasted bread, which means it has a smaller impact on blood sugar more  
Pizzas cause diabetes? All over the world Pizza is consumed in large quantities. How many samosas are consumed? I think a proper study should be conducted into dietary habits. more  
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