Disaster and Emergency Response Communities

Dear all:

Ministry of Railways, IRCTC and LocalCircles have decided to initiate local Disaster Management communities in every district of India.

These circles will bring together citizens in a town, District Magistrate, District Police, Blood Banks, Hospitals, Volunteers, NGOs so in the Event of a disaster (train accident, natural or any other disaster), the local community can be immediately mobilized for assistance. The Emergency/Disaster Response circle will be easily accessible via mobile phone.

All members of the Make Railways Better circle will automatically be given access to their district level community enabling you to seek or provide assistance.

We will also be inviting other national and district level agencies to participate in this initiative. If you have other ideas on how this initiative can be of use, please share your views.

Ministry of Railways more  

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859 Harrison St. Suite A San Francisco 94107 more  
Long waited, but finally been thought through... good move more  
swapnil sagar Electrical Engineer ************************************** swapnil invited you to join branded.me ************************************** What is branded.me? A community of professionals and innovative solutions to help you stand out and advance your career. ACCEPT ( http://track.branded.me/f/a/cIc9WE0V04F7bhZWXIU9zA~~/AADQAAA~/RgRZK9ikP0EIASukLWpeThQXWAQAAAAAWQZzaGFyZWRCCgAEJKVKV44oL0BSQXd3dy5zZW5kX25ld3Bvc3QrK21xZmRtcXZ2bGtpeSsraXlneGxrdnZtcWFlQGxvY2FsY2lyY2xlc21haWwuY29tCVEEAAAAAETfaHR0cHM6Ly9icmFuZGVkLm1lP3I9c3dhcG5pbHNhZ2FyJnQ9VkU5TFJVNHVWakV2TlRjME1UWmhOV1V5TWpFek9UTXdNREJrWm1VNU9UUmhMM2QzZHk1elpXNWtYMjVsZDNCdmMzUXJLMjF4Wm1SdGNYWjJiR3RwZVNzcmFYbG5lR3hyZG5adGNXRmxRR3h2WTJGc1kybHlZMnhsYzIxaGFXd3VZMjl0TDJsdWRtbDBaUzh4TkRZek9UQTBPRFl5Lk1UQUQxaV9vN3haN2JNeHBEYXRCR1ZMeWNGWSUyMEcCe30~ ) DECLINE ( http://track.branded.me/f/a/KZh6fg7RI3CvwVyK1KV8TA~~/AADQAAA~/RgRZK9ikP0EIASukLWpeThQXWAQAAAAAWQZzaGFyZWRCCgAEJKVKV44oL0BSQXd3dy5zZW5kX25ld3Bvc3QrK21xZmRtcXZ2bGtpeSsraXlneGxrdnZtcWFlQGxvY2FsY2lyY2xlc21haWwuY29tCVEEAAAAAETwaHR0cHM6Ly9icmFuZGVkLm1lP3I9c3dhcG5pbHNhZ2FyJnQ9VkU5TFJVNHVWakV2TlRjME1UWmhOV1V5TWpFek9UTXdNREJrWm1VNU9UUmhMM2QzZHk1elpXNWtYMjVsZDNCdmMzUXJLMjF4Wm1SdGNYWjJiR3RwZVNzcmFYbG5lR3hyZG5adGNXRmxRR3h2WTJGc1kybHlZMnhsYzIxaGFXd3VZMjl0TDJsdWRtbDBaUzh4TkRZek9UQTBPRFl5Lk1UQUQxaV9vN3haN2JNeHBEYXRCR1ZMeWNGWSZpbnZpdGVfZGVjbGluZT10cnVlRwJ7fQ~~ ) branded.me If you wish to stop receiving these emails, click here ( http://track.branded.me/f/a/NBvM7539AAjErq2Jz5VlHQ~~/AADQAAA~/RgRZK9ikP0EIASukLWpeThQXWAQAAAAAWQZzaGFyZWRCCgAEJKVKV44oL0BSQXd3dy5zZW5kX25ld3Bvc3QrK21xZmRtcXZ2bGtpeSsraXlneGxrdnZtcWFlQGxvY2FsY2lyY2xlc21haWwuY29tCVEEAAAAAESRaHR0cDovL3RyYWNrLmN1c3RvbWVyLmlvL3Vuc3Vic2NyaWJlL01qVTJNRFk2RnNqQ0FtUUFBbk1BRjJWb0Nob0JWTmVIaEFzVlJ4aFhTcVRoQVdVNk16STJNMk0zTkdFdE1XWm1OUzB4TVdVMkxUZzBZbUV0Wm1aaE1USTRPRGN4WVRVeU9qSTROamt3TndBPUcCe30~ ) . 
859 Harrison St. Suite A San Francisco 94107 more  
Good idea. I am a geologist by profession. So if there is landslide or cave in I can help. Better group subject wise in each district to avail of specific expertise. more  
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