Discipline on Road
When we walk or drive on roads we fear and feel extremely insecure, frightened and suspicious of others. At the same time we are overconfident in overtaking, vehemently rushing, honking with contempt. The situation is becoming more and more complicated and it seems it will be difficult to walk on roads forget driving in town. Should we bring back the pleasure of at least walking and separating driving from walking and therefore why not,
1. Unwire or remove the horns from all vehicles except Buses and Lorries to quench the hastiness.
2. Install one horn giving 1000 Hz signal only for SOS.
3. Use of Horns by bases and Lorries only at highways outside municipal limits.
4. Left side overtaking and U tern banned unless road has firm and elevated dividers.
5. Banning hopeless vehicles like three wheeler transport vehicles.
6. Foot paths are useless in towns to walk due to uneven level therefore allocate to hawkers spacing properly.
7. 3’ way from footpath a railing or road divider for pedestrians leaving rest of road for continuous driving and freedom from roadside parking in market area.
8. Leaving space of 10’ after every 50’ place exclusively for parking two wheelers and no car stopping on road even for drop and go.
9. No hawkers or shops in residential area but allowed road side parking during day time.
10. Disallow Vehicle if owner does not have parking place in premises.
11. Small, light and perforated skater’s helmet compulsory for bicycle riders even school children to establish security concerns and discipline. more