Do You know What Systems Govern our Courts, Police & Administration?
Laws, Acts, etc are implemented & operated by systems in place. Without systems in place, no law or Act can be implemented.
For example in order reach from point A to point B you need a path/passage, commuting systems. Whether you use a car or bicycle or bus or walking, that is what is similar to laws/acts, etc. that run depending on the commuting systems in place. But you need a system of clear passage and systems of provision various types of commuting.
1. Courts
Post 1857 mutiny the Free of Cost Justice system was changed to a business model in the name of laws & procedures. In the Traditional Justice Systems, Laws & Procedures were secondary, justice was primary. Paying was corruption. However the English legalized corruption. Now one has to pay at each and every step of the court procedures, even though Courts run on tax payers money.
Where does this system come from? Source Code of the Entire court system is Hammurabi Code of Baylonia (Iraq)- 1780BC. It records crime only AFTER crime has happened, gives punishment or demands payment. There is NO crime prevention (Justice) in this system.
2. Police
Police run on Brits Criminal Procedures against Majority of the Indian Society
3. Civil Administration
It ruins by heavily taxing the ordinary masses, but no accountability to give back in return
Unless we change the systems & have Public Accountability, Not much will change more