Driving Cleanliness in Tier3/4 Cities - Whitepaper

Dear all:

The whitepaper on Driving Cleanliness in Tier 3/4 cities of India is now available at the link below:


If you reside in cities like Mathura, Varanasi, Ujjain, Jaisalmer, Sholapur and hundreds of other Tier 3/4 cities across India, we request that you share this whitepaper with your State Government and city civic agencies, NGOs and and Citizen groups interested in making the city cleaner.

Also, if there are any additional comments you have, please respond to this post.

Thanks for your participation!
Ministry of Urban Development more  

View all 68 comments Below 68 comments
People take pride in doing so..... people don't do it only due to fear or due to religious impact....can we get this communicated through our centers of faith.......can we create one model home, colony, ward, town, city, state, nation, country, universe.... more  
Moral science I think each one of us have been taught in our junior most classes more  
Dear Sir, Kindly furnish details regarding " On what basis the cities (or places) in India are classified into the Tier 1/2/3/4 cities etc". Baangalore falls under which category ? Thank You With Best Regards Gayathri K S more  
Nothing puts me off than seeing every second person in Mumbai spitting on roads. BASIC CiVIC Sense is absolutely missing. Laws should be followed strictly and penalties should be forced more  
HI i am living in Laxminagar area Delhi. I have seen people only say about cleanliness but don't take initiative. I come from my office early in the morning at 5am. i see many throw garbage through there windows and thing nobody is watching them. India cant be clean till the time people will take any initiative and they are still in wrong direction. more  
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