Dust Control Measures
1. Every builder/owner shall *put tarpaulin on scaffolding around the area of construction* and the building. *No person including builder, owner can be permitted to store any construction material particularly sand on any part of the street, roads* in any colony.
2. The *construction material of any kind that is stored in the site will be fully covered* in all respects so that it does not disperse in the air in any form.
3. All the *construction material and debris shall be carried in the trucks or other vehicles which are fully covered* and protected so as to ensure that the construction debris or the construction material does not get dispersed into the air or atmosphere, in any form whatsoever.
4. The dust emissions from the construction site should be completely controlled and all precautions taken in that behalf.
5. The *vehicles carrying construction material and construction debris of any kind should be cleared before it is permitted to ply on the road* after unloading of such material.
6. *Every worker working on the construction site and involved in loading, unloading and carriage of construction material and construction debris shall be provided with mask* to prevent inhalation of dust particles.
7. Every owner and/or builder shall be under obligation to *provide all medical help, investigation and treatment to the workers involved in the construction of building and carry of construction material* and debris relatable to dust emission.
8. It shall be the *responsibility of every builder to transport construction material and debris waste to construction site, dumping site or any other place in accordance with rules* and in terms of this order.
9. All to take appropriate measures and to ensure that the terms and conditions of the earlier order and these orders should strictly comply with by *fixing sprinklers, creations of green air barriers*.
10. *Compulsory use of wetjet in grinding and stone cutting*.
11. *Wind breaking walls* around construction site.
Fines imposed shall be imposed as per directions issued by Hon’ble NGT. The order mentions that fine has to be imposed on basis of plot size.
a) Rs. *10,000*/- (Ten Thousand) on plots *upto 100 sq. mt.*
b) *Rs. 20,000/-*(Twenty Thousand) on plots *over 100sq. mt. but less than 200sq. mt.*
c) *Rs. 30,000/-*(Thirty Thousand) on plots *over 200 sq. mt. but less than 500sq. mt.*
d) *Rs. 50,000/-* (Fifty Thousand)on plots *over 500 sq. mt.*
e) All projects where *built up area is more than 20,000 sq. mt.* a fine of *Rs. 5,00,000/-*(Five lacs) would be imposed
District Magistrate Office
Gautam Budh Nagar more