Each Municipal council elected Rep.need to learn about ACT & to be trained in their duties.Ward committees should be put in place to bring accountability.
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Let us look at this issue with open mind.I have not able to understand yet that when ever a person offer self for any elected post (by voters) how that assignment can be performed without knowing the details.I have been interacting at ground level through our NGO Sewa Parivartan Manch & we were surprised that MLA has no copy of Constitution.Mayor of city has not seen/read Punjab Municipal Act.& not a single Punchyat has Punchyat act & in spite of our interaction with high officials in Punjab we have not been able to coax them to conduct even one seminar to explain about Gram Sabha in villages.So how can we bring change at ground level & strengthen Democracy.Would welcome open interaction on this issue & solutions.Regards
Oct 30
Oops sorry! I hope I didn't offend anyone.
Oct 29
Its wrong to say best graduates should be allowed, see around the people who don't follow the rules are educated ones . how many of people teach their kids not to throw garbage on road. hardly. Politicians can invoke policy but its duty of citizen to follow and practice. see in Indian roads people throw garbage from moving car.. very common across any highway or city roads .its sab chaltha hai , kuch nahi hotha Attitude and no fear of law Our education system is crippled, how many parents like their kids to clean their classes room, they have problem will do hungama if school does that ,because they feel they are paying for studying not for cleaning.. But in japan cleanliness is basic it start from school, no one ashamed to take broom or clean because attitude has changed...Blaming is easy but not easy to follow and practice.
Oct 29
For most professions one has to qualify and go to the university or get specialized training, Doctors, scientists, engineers, economists, lawyers, accountants, mechanics, pilots. There should be high end Institute for highly intelligent young people to study political science, leadership, values, constitutions of India and a few other countries. And only the best graduates should be allowed to run for elections. We often get incompetent people joining politics, because their absolutely incompetent parents did the same. Then we wonder why the virus of corruption spread over the past 67 years. That all must change, this maybe our last opportunity to have a totally clean start.
Oct 29