Ear sudden issue last year

I'm suffering from ear sound like 'jhingur'. It started suddenly last year. Doctor has given me some antibiotics and meds but no effect. This sound feels like coming from back side. I've searched and found no cure about it.

Anybody! can help?
Now from few months, occasionally, I get sudden sound like continue whistling for few seconds in my left year.

Same problem with my mother, started 2 years back. more  

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nat sulf is key medicine more  
Mr. Khan, if it is tinnitus then I am afraid it remains forever. My daugter's father-n-law suffered from it all his life. He tried every branch of medicine but it could not be cured. I am sorry to have to inform you about this but this was a fact. more  
You can take Nitrum Sulf 200 along with Silicia 30, 4 Piles twice a day for a week time and see the Result. If improvements were found slightly then continue for a month. more  
Dryness in ear, nose and throat cause problems. They need some liquid presence. more  
Dear Mr. Khan, based on what you have explained it looks to be "Tinnitus". You can google and will get plenty of information and stories. Based on what i have read, Tinnitus may not be a decease in itself bit may be a symptom of an underlying condition or decease. So check with ENT and do some basic tests like- CBC, ESR, Lipid, Renal, Liver-profile, ECG and Abdomen sonography to ensure that you are otherwise health and for mental satisfaction. If there isn't any other underlying condition, then Tinnitus by itseld may not have a direct cure in modern medicine (Alopathy) and then you can try alternative therapies like Homeopathy, Yoga & Pranayam, Naturopathy and others. Learning to ignore and live with is the best solution. The more you think about it more anxious you become and it worsens. I do not have tinnitus but a variation of that called "Pulsatile Tinnitus" wherein I am able to hear my own pulse or a whooshing sound of blood flowing behind ear. at time it is very disturbing, specially at night if pulse is high. But I have learnt to ignore after doing all basic test to ensure that I am otherwise fit. As per Doctor it runs in family as a hereditary trait and more prevalent with people having a hearing loss called "Conductive Hearing Loss" or "otosclerosis" Suggest you to check your hearing function and get a Audiogram done at a ENT. Since your mother too has same issue, i believe its related to hearing loss. Add more information or share test results to help you further. Till such time just do deep breathing exercise and keep your blood pressure in control. Hope this helps ! more  
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