Eating and exercising
For many of us, when eating out, there are no rules; for many of us, taste scores over all else when it comes to snacks; there’s no time to cook...for so many of us; and I hate vegetables...says every other youngster – reports Chetan Chauhan in Hindustan Times dated January 11, 2015.
People need to stop seeing themselves as `foodies’ and instead begin to choose their foods wisely, says nutritionist Mehar Panjwani.
The HT columnist Sanchita Sharma says: Bolster immunity by eating natural foods piling your plates high with fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are loaded with vitamins and micronutrients that fight off infection; how much we eat is as important; obesity raises risk of infection and slows recovery by lowering the well-mediating immune responses...and don’t scrimp on sleep; people who sleep less than seven hours at night are more likely to catch a cold after being exposed to a cold-causing virus.
And, since eyes are a part of the body, eat healthy and indulge in exercises to go for a healthy body, says ophthalmologist Dr. Maneesh Kumar. more