Ecosystem for Waste Recycling (or Salvaging Wastes) (ECROWS4SW)

Wastes Recycled (can also be called Waste Salvaged) more  

Glad we have arrived at some Benchmarks and Metrics for gauging civic body performance. If backed up by sustained "Standard Swachhata Practices" (SSP) with the sole aim/ focus on "Swachhata" as a Municipal/ Panchayat Mission -- I "underline here" -- Quality and Quality Assurance in respect of all material/ spares/ process inputs will be a game changer. For example, Manhole Covers, Pipes, Joints, Spares/ Accessories thereof (as well as the incumbent processes predicating on ultimate "Swachhata" thereupon of the local "ILAQA", including Quality of Bins and Uplift of Garbage itself, i.e., "uploading garbage into trucks", and sustained conformance to "Standard Practices" by the Panchayat/ Municipal staff: Make supply of sub-standard quality of Swachhata Materials/ Inputs Explore avenues of greater automation, modern management practices, --no less than a Total Quality Management (TQM)-- can help secure results in this somewhat "untouchable domain". Adopt a "Carrot and Stick Policy" -- Rewards for Sustained High Quality Performance; Make any aberration from "Standard Practice" punishable offense. (a)-In fixing /replacing broken connections sans "short changing"/ "other malpractices" rampant in such repair work; (b)-Regular "periodic" cleaning of drains, more before rainy seasons; (c)-Need and volume of Daily Cleaning Requirement of Garbage Bins, can be optimized (cheaper and sustainable) by automation; (d)-Within a defined concept Sustainable Swachhata Missions, include esthetic practices at least Painting, Re-Painting Swachhata Do's and Dont's on the walls where garbage bins are placed in the municipal wards; (e)-Minimize cats and stray dog menace (they play n spill garbage in the surrounding vicinity) by a deterrent "chemical-fix that shies them away from entering the garbage area cordoned off; (f)-In Pune the practice of Municipal / other local worthies indulging in burning carbage at random; walls in surrounding ares charred, smearing an ugly overall appearanc (g)-Do not place extra super extruded plastic covers on the garbage bins to hide garbage, lest they should stink during rainy season; (h)-Panchayat and Municipal staffers detailed to undertaking garbage lifting and disposal jobs should invariably be provided with "Good Quality Hand Gloves, Gum Boots" to protect them from professional health hazards; (i)-Periodic drive on Encroachments, subsequent Sanitary Conformance Inspections by trained Municipal Staff is a must Metrics can lead to immediate action-oriented decisions. The 20 Celebs pan-India appointed by PM; likewise some 20 to 50 local celebs at State level should be entrusted with the job of "Monitoring of SwachchBharat Big-Picture in the specific Areas assigned to them, and they (Celebs) should use "Local Town Halls" (such as Barrack uses for campaigns in the USA) give Pep Talks in a motivating, mildly chastising, but more competitive tenor citing best practices elsewhere in the country. It's an important "benchmark" to respect people's wishes/ sentiment in this Swachhata Yagnya" mounted by respected PM Narendra Modiji as an Extraordinary Public Intervention of Far Reaching Import. And we the People don't like, cant imagine seeing another sequel of serial bouts/ spells of "Scourges~Mahamarees" like "ChikenGuniya/ BirdFlu, Mnemonic /Bubonic Plague, SwineFlu, Ebola" et al descend on our SwachhBharath~Shreshta anytime in future. The Central/ State Health Ministers should be rewarded /ousted depending on the outcomes secured. Benchmark the end product elucidating what constitutes the ultimate in "Swachhata" I am seeing in Sydney, Australia Garbage Lift and Disposal trucks equipped on either side of the truck with two "Big Arm /Hand-like Handles" that lift and overturn the filled Garbage Bins into a "Wagon Compartment". The Bins are segregated dry and wet, neatly placed on the pavements, from right as well as from left of the Roads. In India our roads are narrow; can't reach garbage without breaking the surrounding structures. While existing towns/ cities should factor in this essential Swachhata need in all future planning; the up and coming "SmartCities" too should not overlook this very fundamental requirement of automated garbage disposal. Dont get worried/ shied away that automation deprives the poor of employment. Given a chance nobody wants to do this dirty job. In future, if you don't automate now, -- due space clearance availability of automated trucks created and tested, manpower may not be available for these jobs." helpful more  
Vernacular newspapers of India contribute quite a lot on how to resolve pressing local problems. Develop vernacular communications in Govt asa top priority. That will be a major booster shot for spurring Rural GDP growth. For example, Eenadu Sunday Supplement Booklet in Telugu -- (Eenadu is the leading newspaper from my State (AP)--) comes out with excellent articles of social and national importance. Revered~venerable Intelligentia of the proposed new Insitution replacing Planning Commission (contours of which are being discussed by PM today with Intellectual Top Brass (ITB) and Think Tanks in a special meeting in Delhi) should focus on how to co-ordinate the disparate pieces of info, inter alia, of Swachch Bharat import, and cast them into "usable molds" that in turn will constitute a tremedous "Resource Development Bank" for innovations in the development process. With a new dynamic "Education and Skill Development Bank of India" added, then Renaissance will generate from grass roots. The other day it was how to use Whats App innovatively for Social Good (Social Capital), last week it was on Gamification, this week it's on Pallelannee Dattata Pillalaite (If only all of India's Villages are Adopted Villages, adopted not just as any village , but as aadarsh Villages, -- this reminds of Indian diaspora adopting the Ghats of Varanasi --I had a chance to comment on PM's MyGov Resouce Deve discussions last week more  
Between 1965-74, the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) undertook a number of Commodity Studies on the above products with an eye on export Potential. With the kinda of ICTS now available for accessing information, the best organisation to undertake such All-India Commodity Studies of the kind cited above. in my view, is IIFT, New Delhi. The terms of Reference of each of these surveys should be carefully devised with a wide angle big picture (Swachch Bharat) perspective. The expertise to undertake such Studies isn't concentrated in one place, its availability these days is scarce. more  
India can mop up~reap considerable wealth if only due economic importance is afforded to myriad possibilities of Waste Recycling or (or Salvaging Wastes). Keeping focus on the basic Bio-Degradeable (BDG), Non-Bio-Degradeable (NBDG) dichotomy, efforts need to be defined and evolved into the ambit of appropriate Eco-Systems. There is a separate Department in the World Bank~United Nations on dealing with Salvaging of Wastes. Swachch Bharat Movement is a good beginning toward figuring out the nascent upcoming sphere of "Ecosystems 4 Waste Recycling and Salvaging of Wastes" (ECROWS). Methane gas from resources like Coal to Garbage to Glass, Plastics, Tyres (Metallic and Non-metallic), Sewage waste. India has by far one of the largest cattle population in the World. Rural Melas, Shanties and RRBs can put their head together yo organize cattle waste matter and generate GobarGas locally in rural areas Sewage waste water --with some cleaning-- can be used for sprinkler irrigation, as also watering urban pockets for enhanced~enriched greenery. These pockets need to be defumigated in regular monthly intervals, as also occasionally the sprinkler processes renewed as a maintenance operation as it were (--when capacities are nurtured~ developed to spare modicum of clean water-- for Rural ECROWS purposes), with clean water as well. Elsewhere agricultural non-agricultural wastes -- can be channelised into RiceBran oil extraction, CashewNut Shell Liquid Oil (CNSLO) and fibres otherwise wasted - at Coconut, and at other industrial fibres (eg., Mesta) -- collection points Mesta, at retting points can be used as raw material for handmade paper industry. Likewise Honey collection and marketing. Crushed Bones, Animal casings are used abroad in Meat Industry. Egg shells with some processing can be used in pharma capsules? "Frozen bull semen" is an export industry (Shanon, Ireland) for animal husbandry leading to better healthy animal resources. Likewise there are several forest products like myrobalans, mux vomica, medicinal plants pricey Red Sanders wood (AP) is exported to Japan, Mynamor for carving and assembling into temple and other architectural Pagodas. Some are used as funeral pyre. Human hair from Hair-Cutting Saloons can be collected and used for "Wigs" and "Eye Lashes" in Cosmetics and Beauty Trade. Cattle hair (goat hair) is used in making Rugs for Armed Forces. Collection-processing and production of goods of economic value at each of the above myriad non-agri-vocations, if not handled properly, can lead to "aswachchata" in local pockets. Our Swachch Bharat campaign should address these problems. The basic classsification for such items is Waste from Edible Provenances (WEPs) and Wastes from Inedible Provenances (WIPs) These trades and industries can create lots of non-Agri jobs in rural areas. ECROWS are the main products from the above industries~vocations, but they generate lots of "Aswachchata" at collection and processing sites if systems for those purposes are not properly devised, or smart enough to meet the demand of scale. Swachchata emerges as as a high-value by-product of national import all across India. In this context Govt of India, Ministry of Agriculture should commission a comprehensive "All India Survey" to systematically identify Provenances~Pockets of Waste (treat them as Resources), and define the SME industries that can be set up based on these resources. Then Action Plans can be devised Statewise for defining the eco-systems and determining the centres for exploiting these resources developed. Keep a special eye on aspects export potential, storage While cut flowers has evolved as a major domestic and export industry more  
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