Edible Oil prices
A weaker rupee is pinching consumers, with cooking oil prices increasing 5% in past fortnight. With 60% imports, the rupee's depreciation coupled with an increase in cooking oil prices at their origin in Feb has lifted retail prices of soyabean, sunflower & palm oils by ₹5-6/kg.
Can a survey be done so Govt can understand pain and perhaps provide some relief?
For a Family the average annual inflation is around 10%. It is no problem to those who have fixed income. Those who get periodic increase, have no problems. Non Pensioner Senior Citizens are worst affected. Over and above Medical Expenses are another killer for them.
Feb 16
Why should we discuss only the prices of edible oil ? Should we not talk on the prices of vegetables, which have nose dived since January,2025 putting the farmers into misery? Rising trend of oil prices is only temporary and may reverse the situation any time, if we trust in the past trends. e
Feb 15
this is obvious. There may be a price escalation of many such items slowly as we are highly import based now. Govt. failed to arrest the deep fall of currency that may impact on FR as well as economy. Politicos and the smart leader hardly care for common people. Incompetency of the Govt. always invites such disaster. No surprise in it. We are also responsible not to raise our voice collectively instead we made attempt to defend such fall.
Feb 13
Strong rupee will severely affect our export market. This is the reason RBI is not interfering in arresting the depreciation of rupee. We should assess the situation in totality
Feb 13
Best way to over come this crises, by some dried coconut and get oil by churning at home or thtough some small churners available in every big and small cities and vilkages. By this atleast one is sure of eating adultration free oil.
Feb 13