Education system
Indianization of Indian education systeṃ- this explains itself.
Creating Indian leaders and icons in education and researcḥ and recognizing the ones who're already there.
Establish Bhartiya way education system with complete modern adaptatioṇ.
The education cannot encroach into research field-RnD although it has to integrally yoke iṇ. And that can only come from immaculate planning. Now, I must say that not all that we require immediately to put the jigsaw in would be available at hanḍ but would've to persevere and wait.
The hardcore fundamental education, research setup should be established along with vocational training combined with traditional and also devising entrepreneurial infrastructure for ensuring employmenṭ.
The corruption in education field must be taken care of now and this lonstanding rot in this pious field that can ensure soul of any country, be cleaned including punishing those who've been doing it for long time. The important professional fields medical, engineering and also judiciary, education and others must be heeded to on priority basiṣ.
The medical field and education in general is in clutches of exam mafias and money churners and that must be freed from private unethical unmeritorious playerṣ. more