Electricity Bill of DHBVN- Do you check the meter reading stated in the bill is correct?
The meter reader mentioned the consumption as 16 units for a connection having sanctioned load of 15 KVA. This made electricity company DHBVN to raise the bill on minimum consumption basis. The loss to the consumer is that while the electricity bill has been raised on minimum consumption basis but it covers that part of the reading which shall be included in the next billing cycle also. Hence this amounts to double charging. However, this practice usually go unnoticed by the consumer. This can be illustrated as:
1. Last Reading : 5,000 units
2. Current reading : 5,016 units (as against actual reading of 5,200 units)
3. The bill raised on minimum consumption basis: 200 Units
4. next bill reading : 5,400 units
5. Next bill will be raised by showing consumption of 384 units as against actual consumption of 200 units thus you end up in paying extra for 184 units as the consumer has already paid for 200 units but actually shown for 16 units but actually charging for 200 units. If someone goes to the office of DHBVN, may be he pays some amount to to the clerk to get it corrected.
This excess charging will be more severely affected to the interest of the consumers if in between the electricity companies revise upward their electricity tariff. The newspaper reports are the testimony to my view points.
This practice was noticed by me in the bill and brought this to the notice of DHBVN. This took almost three months and finally the company has adjusted an excess amount of Rs. 2,729.00 I am pleased to state here that I have not visited their office even once.
I would advise all to kindly check their bill and relate the bill with the readings and bring the matter to the notice of the company. Please do not pay even a single penny to get your bill corrected as such bribing is making them redundant and is becoming like termite problem. Any one willing to take my services is welcome at no cost absolutely at no cost. more