Eliminating source of Garbage
1. Polythene bags, Packing polythene including Gutka etc.
2. Disposable plastic/ styrene bottles, plates, cups etc.
Rest of all the garbage is easily compostable or recyclable which can be tackled by natural and traditional methods .
Can we not eliminate these two from our society? Some ideas are given below. Please forward your comments and suggestions.
1. Say no to polythene bags at all levels:- Manufacturing, distribution, packaging , purchasing. Ask your state governments to ban plastic bags. If it is already banned be vigilant against its use.
2. Ask the government for a 3 -4 digit telephone number on which complaint against Polythene bag use can be lodged.
3. Reduce and eliminate the use of plastics from your life.
4. Encourage use of Cloth packaging, Paper packaging, Paper coated with metal packaging.
5. Encourage use of Dona, Pattal, Nariyal leave plates all made of disposable leaves.
6. Encourage plantation of Dhak , Tendu and Nariyal. So that their leaves are available in abundance for making Dona, Pattals etc.
7. Encourage industries manufacturing plates, Cups with dried pressed leaves.
8. Ask the central government to bring legislation to ban plastic bags immediately and plastics in a phased manner.
9. Ask the central government to ban Gutaka at all levels of Manufacturing, distribution, packaging , sale.
Please contribute your valuable suggestions on this post. more