Energizing Bureaucracy for Start Up India: Inputs
Energizing Bureaucracy for Start-Up India
1. A helpline should be established and complaints should be addressed within 48 hours
2. Bureaucrats must be re-oriented to utilize Indian start-ups as much as possible
3. Common bureaucratic approach of “Why can this not be done?” must be re-oriented to “How can this be done?”
4. Bureaucrats should be made accountable for their actions, wrong actions, and inaction concerning start ups
5. A 3 member committee should be set up in every Ministry/Dept to review Start Up proposals approved by a bureaucrat so the decision is validated and protect bureaucrats from the fear of future undue investigation
6. The resistance from bureaucrats in working with small entities should be questioned and addressed by DIPP Start Up Center
7. A separate authority competent enough to grant all licences and finance in a "single window" scheme must be set up
8. The ministers should undertake regular initiatives to motivate the bureaucrats to work with start ups
9. Start-ups if facing bureaucracy bottlenecks should be able to raise the issue with DIPP Start Up Center
10. Government should identify and promote honest bureaucrats
11. Each department/ministry should be rated based on inputs from all stakeholders. This will be a positive way to encourage our bureaucracy to become partners in progress
12. No files should stay with a bureaucrat for more than 3 days. more