Energizing Municipalities for Swachh Bharat - Specific TO DOs
Below are the key 5-6 inputs from you on how municipal corporations can be energized to deliver more effectively on Swachh Bharat.
Energizing Municipalities for Swachh Bharat - Specific TO DOs
1.KRAs to be defined for each municipal employee with strict supervision
2. Municipal employees should be given latest equipment for the day to day work
3.Garbage pickup should be coordinated through GPS
4.Garbage should be collected and dumped during nights so that the traffic and crowd are less, and efficiency is better
5.A phone helpline should be started and the TAT of the municipal corporation should be improved
6. Every municipality should be mandated to have compulsory citizen engagement for transparent and accountable workings
Kindly share any other specific inputs that will help in this regard. You may also think about how the state, skill and incentives of the municipal workers can be improved and if these will help in energizing municipal delivery for Swachh Bharat.
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