Be aware of this institute , they make you blind instead of caring

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For the benefit of all, Ms Anwar should give the correct name of the eye hospital where she had a bad experience
I personally called her up about the post, she clearly told its not about ICARE,however i assured her if any help she requires from our side she can contact. Faraz
Ms. Anwar, our PR Manager spoke to you yesterday about your grievenance and you confirmed us that you had no bad experience with ICARE EYE HOSPITAL, noida and you were writing about some other EYE center. Mam, you assured us that you will mention it in your post also. Even if you wants to visit our hospital we, ICARE EYE Hospital team ensure you for the best possible treatment and opinions in ophthalmology in our premises for your case.
For information of all Kalida's case is of another hospital, not of I Care. But good to see I care promptly responded and offered help.
What rubbish. I am one of the most satisfied patients of ICARE Hospital. Having got my cataract surgery for one eye done in Jan 2013, I opted for the surgery of the other eye too at the same hospital. I highly recommend this hospital to all my relatives and friends.
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