Facilities for Patients in Trains

Below are the current facilities for patients in trains. If you have inputs on the state of these facilities/services, kindly share with us. Also, if you have additional inputs on what else can be done to make facilities better, kindly share.

All passenger carrying trains are provided with First Aid Boxes containing essential drugs and dressing materials. In addition, Augmented First Aid Boxes with wide range of medicines, disposable medical material, etc. have been provided with the Train Superintendents of Rajdhani/ Shatabdi Express trains and Guards of other nominated trains. The front line staff deployed on trains is trained in rendering First Aid. Trains can also make unscheduled halts, if necessary, at the stations en-route in emergencies. The Station Masters have details of doctors, clinics & hospitals, both Government and Private, in the vicinity of the station, so that their services could also be availed, in emergencies.

Railway grants 50 to 100 % fare concession to Cancer, Thalassemia, Heart, Kidney, Haemophilia and T.B/Lupas Vulgaris patients alongwith their escort in reserved coaches of trains. Further, 50 to 75 % fare concession is granted to patients suffering from Non-infectious Leprosy, Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Sickle Cell Anemia and Aplastic Anemia for self travelling in reserved coaches of trains. 50% fare concession in monthly season ticket (MST) and Quarterly Season Ticket is also granted to Ostomy patients. more  

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I don't believe that trained persons are available to give first aid in trains. Once I experienced an incident of heart attack by the fellow passenger and no one could do anything to that person. TTE came and started contacting the next station ONGOLE in AP for stretcher and 108 Ambulance. TTE could not do any first aid for the person. ONGOLE station one wheel chair with an old man came to take the fainted person to the Ambulance since the train parked in the 2nd platform. So there should be a doctor tie up arrangement from some hospital near to the Railway station and he must be called to attend the patient immediately from train itself. Here I took the person to the hospital and doctor declared he was brought dead and I am under litigation from the relatives of the deceased. more  
I feel, it is highly essential to provide a Mini Medical Shop, with life saving and other emergency drugs, like diarrhoea, vomitings,body pains, cold and general fever and baby milk and paediatric medicines, in all Major and Long journey Trains. more  
sugarless tea should be provided in all pantry car also the price food, tea etc should be same in all train. Recently I notice in same route the prices differ in up & dn train like tea rs 7 from trichy howraha while howraha to pondicherry rs 10. this type of differences should be stopped. more  
Can we allow to atleast one Hospital/Nursing home in the immediate vicinity (few metes away) from every Railway station ? Let there be a public private partnership . more  
Sir, Many patients are there who need life saving devices which don't run with 110V available in trains. Provision in express trains for supply of higher voltage must be there so that such patients can travel comfortably. My son is such a patient who needs a Bipap machine for breathing support. But that machine doesn't run in trains nowadays. 4 yrs back it was working. Pl do something so that we can travel together. He is fond of travelling, but we are unable to go long distance as he needs Bipap support at regular intervals of 6/7 yrs and its a must when he sleeps. Pl arrange. Thanking you. more  
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