For me healthy living is being happy about yourself under all circumstances. more
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i agree. happy u r, healthy u r.... more
Oct 08
Happiness; as I have only recently realized; is truly that strength of the self; which enables and empowers the physicals to perform; primarily and essentially with the help of the properties of the qualities of the nature of such strength only. We are truly happy for so long only; till the time; the blood in our veins is continually being driven with them. For me healthy living; which I am continuing to realize from more than a decade or so; now; is to work; especially to also ensure that life too; both within and outside the family of self is healthy. I am of late realizing that; I am truly happy as mentioned above; only when the life; especially of the nature, quality and style of working; which my near and dear ones and my loved ones and my family are living; is healthy. The happiness of each of us is truly dependent upon joys; especially of relationships of self; i.e they are joyous about any type and kind of nature, quality and style of working; which they may be following and doing; To ensure that I have my share of true happiness; I also am ensuring that my relationships too continue to be joyous, as above; for which; I at times; not only need to forgo my selfish interests; especially of seeking the happiness of self from working, for the purpose of fulfillment of desires only; but also do so; by first continuing to work for fulfilling those interested motives as well which truly ensure that the type and kind of nature, quality and style of working; which all my near and dear ones and my loved ones and my family are living, following and doing; continues to be joyous. LIVING A LIFE OF HAPPINESS; IS TRULY A WORK, AN EFFORT, AN ENDEAVOR BY ITSELF. more
Oct 07
Honestly speaking, the information's shared about healthy living and diet, I would consider as a boon to all of us and the same is shared amongst my fellow colleagues and relatives... Thanks, keep going... more
Oct 05