garbage burning in Noida
This allude to your orders on garbage burning in Noida with respect to orders by NGT and Honorable Supreme Court of India. I reported the incidence of Garbage being dumped and burned in empty plots of sector 43 Noida. Initially the burning of garbage was stopped completely, however the dumping was continued. From past 1 week the level of pollution during night is really suffocating due to garbage burning problem. The smoke is so high that one can easily see a thick black blanket with naked eyes. You can imagine the amount of toxins the air would carry and effect the health of thousands of residents from sector 40-49.
Why cant you order to fix fences or ask the plot owners to make permanent wall to avoid any sort of trespassing. First thing to fix in the sector is to ensure the dumping to be stopped and fine heavily to those societies, hospitals and RWA's who are dumping the garbage in open plots. Once the dumping would stop, the burning would stop automatically. This place is also becoming a place for open defecation for many illegal jhuggis being set up in empty plots and theft of electricity is seen any time.
I hope you will take care of these issues seriously and you will come up with some strict actions in place.
Sumit more