Getting low value products from abroad becoming difficult
I dutifully upload Aadhar. But that is not word of God. I am asked to explain my institutional affiliation. Which I do and upload it. Then I am asked to do again it on a letterhead, signed and stamped by the institution and it should say "INDIVIDUAL IMPORTING FOR PERSONAL USE AT UNIVERSITY" What does that even mean?
I have been unable to receive books publishers have sent including with your own contributions. Several books have been returned. Often publishers review copies are returned (sometimes a publisher will not have your phone number, Half the world does not understand why address is not enough to send anything in India). It is in miniature an illustration of why private investment will not take off in India without government patronage -- too much regulation, no cost benefit analysis, non application of mind by officials, harassment of citizens and for what --- books that might be 40 or 50 dollars at most? more