Good Governance in a Democracy and Citizens' expectations

India is a country with enormous Manpower resources and it took 1st place in the world surpassing China. India is said to be world's largest Democracy and growing economy.

Even after opening the Economy to Private Enterprenuers since 1991, the country has not progressed on expected levels having several advantages with enormous
Natural resources,

There are several factors that culminate for slow growth:

1. Lopsided priorities which are not suited for Countriy's overall progress.

2. Low spending on Education and Health which is vital for Population with younger age. which is not even 5% of GDP and 3% of GDP respectively for Education and health in all these years.

3. Lack of Industry oriented Education and skill development.
No co-ordination of existing Universitites and Educational Institutes with Industry & Businesses.

4. Politics/Partisan Benifits first rather than Country's common benifit attitude of all politicians in the country especially w.r.t to sharing of River water resources in the Country. Upstream States will lock the water in Dams till arrival of floods and later release them to low stream areas resulting in wastage of water into Oceans. No prorata utilisation of existing water in Dams in all the days in a year accross upstream and low stream areas.

5.No suitable awarness compaigns' among Farming population towards planning the crop year with what crops have to be grown with the market and wheather forecasts' that are available with Government.

6.Increasing share of Direct taxes (such as GST) in GDP vis-a-vis decling share of Indirect Taxes in GDP. Not bringing the Petroleum Products under GST bracket. Continuous Levy of Surcharges and Cess on taxes.

7. No Accountability for all services of Government front line arms which are in direct front end of Governance such as Police, Revenue, Tax, Public health, Education Dept.s etc.

8. No Development of comensurate Landscape for skill development for taking up of Self employment and Tiny Business entities for the increasing employable population which will cater to the needs of local population as well as to Industry

The above are a few chronic ailments the Country is facing. All the intellectuals are welcome to make suitable suggestions for improving the Governance in the Country.

Jai Hind more  

View all 15 comments Below 15 comments
Elections should be fought in an organised way on issues which are defined and which are essential to the general benifit of all citizens in this country. Taking up of emotional issues. Religion, Caste and Region and personal issues should be fully banned. Then only the country will be developed in all respects and responsible political class will evolve reulsting into evolving of Responsible Society. more  
Freebies should be restricted to only Education and skill development , Strict implementation off civil and criminal laws , preference in laws and freebies to politicians , bureaucrats , civil servants and top business families should be removed . UCC should include everyone i.e includes the above categories mentioned not just be religion based. accountability of law offenders should be immediate. In terms of Businesses startups and ideation level organization should be given preferences when disbursing government schemes , these are all on papers but nothing is happening in actuality . Population control law should be implemented on priority basis more  
Yes all important points. But some of the things are not changing in Governance. Like for example; - Privatising Industry is to be followed - Government should administer Health and Education, but these two are in the hands of private sector - Many of the Government servants are still not sincere in their job. The feedback mechanism is not sought so there is no scope for improvement in their behavior. - Some attitude of the people are not conducive to development. Selfishness, violent behavior, anti-establishment, lack of moral principles, illiteracy, lack of responsibility to duties, corruption, nepotism, crimes against women......... more  
No doubt, Indian economy is on a slow pitch. No country can progress on a balanced path once Education, health and employment are totally neglected. That's happening in this regime. Providing subsidised food is not an option to eradicate poverty rather expand the base of poverty for future. India has to pay a heavy price for it. Our strong base of human capital and knowledge bank may be eroded suddenly and economy will get collapsed. Unfortunately, people are misled. Wish these good inputs may open eyes of many. more  
Few good points have been covered, very good initiative. Further, instead of addressing all at a time its better address few very imp areas: 1. Education- Education System should not be controlled by States since its a federal system States if there is an Opposition party ruling the a State they oppose any good system. Cultural Education is very important, now all are running behind marks (both schools and parents) so its nothing but running behind money. Children have no idea about Nationalism, no respect to Nation and hence. 2. Free Education and Free Health Services need of the hour now. Govt., need not give anything free other than Education and health then automatically things will improve drastically. 3. No States should be allowed to provide freebies. Some states have been ruining complete Status of the States through freebies, very sad status now. Supreme Court should pitch in for such things without expecting someone to lodge the complaints on such things. EC should have rights to curb these things. 4. We as a public : We are also responsible for certain wrong doings. (a). All educated people do not vote, during voting day they go for picnic whereas uneducated people exercise their votes. (b) We are more interested in casteism but not nationalism so we talk but in realty either we have limited knowledge about Nationalism, Development etc., or not interested in Nationalism at all so, we do not support 100% developments. (c) We are good in bribing to get our jobs done up so for them it has become part of the system. more  
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