Good News - Medical Devices to be Regulated soon
The first few wins we achieved was the Dept of Consumer Affairs coming out and making disclosure of MRP on the product a mandatory requirement via PCR 2017 amendment and the NPPA capping the prices of stents by 85%.
We are pleased to share with you that all implantable medical devices and high end medical equipment are being included under the purview of Drugs and Cosmetics act which means quality standards will now be set for all these devices including defibrillators, X ray machines, MRI equipment and a lot more.
As citizens, most of us are not technical enough to provide contribution on what should be the standards but we should certainly ensure that the standards setting process is fair and keeps the patients at the forefront as opposed to medical device manufacturers. If you have inputs on how this can be best achieved, please do share.
We look forward to your inputs! more