Govt Lands, Public Lands and Temple Lands
** Public Lands like Lands of Canals, Streams, Tanks, and Drains HAVE BEEN ALLOWED FOR GRABBING/ ENCROACHMENTS decades together.
*** Temple Lands HAVE BEEN ALLOWED FOR TENANCY, GRABBING, decades together.
**** Some States preferring to Sell TEMPLE LANDS OF VARIOUS HINDU TEMPLES OPPRESSIVELY against Laws of Lands and Justice.
The Attachment show a ready proof of Political Governments' oppressive attitude in selling the Temple Lands of 'JAGANNADH' while the Governments are Multiplying their Black Money and Concealed Wealth through All the above 4 illicit UNJUSTIFIED means.
***** H'ble Supreme Court of India must put an end to All the 4 UNJUSTIFIED Practices of Political Governments IMMEDIATELY.
Localcircles Management is requested to move all the Stakeholders immediately and save Justice and Honour of Judiciary.
1) Exchange of Land on Regs Deed , Purchase of Land against Land for Sale preferring Two or Four Places IS A JUSTIFIED PROCESS.
2) Govt can Exchange it's Land to Temple talking the Temple Lands for Village Developments.
3) Governments can allow Sale of Temple Lands in Auction and arrange Deposit into the Temples Accounts incase of small and scattered extents.
4) Temples Shall be Allowed to take up Cultivation of Lands on Yearly Basis to increase the Funds of the Temples.
5) Temples Shall be Allowed to grant Temple Lands for Free Educational Institutions run by Governments. more