Ground Indigo Airline non complaint planes
Please do not play with lives of innocent citizens. Only indigo planes where engine has been replaced should be allowed to fly. Let people travel by other airlines or railways. Greed is bad. more
Not creating panic is the next part of this duty.
Behaving in the airport and inside the aircraft is also my duty. Whenever I am told to switch off my mobile, I should be ensuring this. What is so great about it?
Likewise, the agency certifying the air-worthiness of the aircraft has also his duty. The airline staff also has its duty.
Unfortunately, no one is held responsible for any dereliction of his duty. This includes the passenger.
Give me one blessed reason to hold up the flight for inconvenience caused to me.
I have all the rules and regulations on hand for lodging my complaint, when I feel so. The apprehension that it may not be heeded does not give me the right to disturb others.
The press is equally waiting for such news, and why not. more