Ground Update on Covid from a friend
2. Many pvt hospitals are running out of oxygen. They're discharging patients on O2 because it's just not available
3. Some pvt hospitals are just sending out patients because they don't want deaths.
4. Many small hospitals have converted to Covid beds due to govt insistence. But now they have no assured O2 supply.
5. 108 Ambulances are queueing up in a big way outside Govt Hospitals.
6. These ambulances cannot be deployed unless (a) they have oxygen and (b) the patient gets a bed.
7. Consumables like NRBMs etc are in short supply.
8. Almost all hospitals are running at very low oxygen capacity. They are discharging/not admitting patients needing O2
9. Deaths are much higher than what govt tells us. Positive cases are also likely a lot higher than what govt tells us. Unless the govt gives the true picture, people will not understand the gravity of the situation. They need to stay home, prevent
10. All patients discharged from pvt hospitals due to O2 shortage are moving to GHs. We are going to have a problem on our hands if this continues.
TamilNadu needs help. We need oxygen. Please help. more