GST - Disabling the Differently Abled (Divyangjan)

If anyone has been particularly hurt by GST, the differently-abled are facing a double blow. With 5% GST being imposed on disability equipment, the message sent out is not one of inclusion. To impose GST on wheelchairs and Braille paper is literally taxing the disabled person for trying to overcome his or her disability , in this case, the inability to walk and read. This is not justifiable and nullifies all the provisions, rules and guidelines envisioned within the RPWD Act 2016 that was cleared by the government in December 2016.
We have optional goods like bindi, kumkum, bangles, sindoor, etc, exempted from GST
and polished diamonds and gold taxed at just 3%. The GST burden on the disabled makes no logical sense.
The fact that disability and poverty form a vicious circle, and that any increase in price in disability instruments would make life harder for the differently abled population, is simply ignored. This either reflects the regressive attitude of the government or its obsession for political `optics'.
(Source: The Economic Times Mumbai)

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I think Govt is harping on too many projects in short span of time.This is putting unnecessary load on common people because for completion Govt needs money and it has to be extracted from common people.
Good thing that Mohitji has pointed out this. Hope it gets attention of government.
If one can not encourage, at least do not discourage special talent. saddening to know the burden on our specially abled people.
A humble request. Let us put our heads together. Exchange our views through emails and then come out with a collective petition to the government. As a beginning let every one of us make it a habit to invariably give our ID while expressing our views, unless some have reason for not giving their ID. Hope many of us would do so that a meaningful conclusion can be arrived at =
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