GST Issues

GST is new law and implanting in 130 Cr population country is not easy and it will be painful initially for 6 months. you can discuss with me in case you face any issue in regard to GST.
I am based out of Kolkata and also visiting faculty at Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad etc

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Sir you have said it rightly , as we are with such huge population any programme even on test basis it will surely take more time get the benefit of it, only thing that we should think things in a possitive way and we should have the patience for the same. All though if we plant a saplings today it will give froots only when it get matured enough to give froots till that time we have to naurish then only we get better froots out of it.
Dear Agarwalji, IGST paid along with Customs Duty is suppose to reflect directly in GSTN which is not there. How do we check this.
Sir Ji plz suggest we are register in delhi and we get order from IOCL Allahabad up for interior work. How we send material from Delhi to Allahabad for work contract /job works without invoice. Or what a alternate. Regards Sunil Singh 9811912905
Mr. Agrawal Sir, if you visiting faculty, please indicate your mobile number, and, e mail ID so that, whenyou are Hyderabad, lay-men like us can reach you, in Hyderabad. We have an Institute called the INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT, with HQTRS at Mumbai, and, Branches all over India. In fact, the Kolkata Branch is located at: 8/B, Short Street, Kolkata – 700017, pH: 22876971 & 22834963. I understand that the IIMM is conducting a number of workshops, brain-storming sessions etc., on GST. I am sure that your expertise will be of immense help. The GST appears to be more complex that CST and VAT issues. Kindly give us your mobile number and mail ID, without hesitation. A lamp inside a pot cannot give light to outside world. Now coming to my doubt: I am a free lance Chartered Engineer. My bills never exceed Rs.5000.00 per bill. In a couple of cases only it will be Rs.7000.00 I am rendering technical certification service to a couple of SEZ developers. But I do not want to go through the rigmarole of GST regn. etc. I am told that, the no GST is required, in cases where, the payment per day exceeds Rs.5000.00. Can you kindly advise me, as to how proceed in the case of such assignments, where the bill exceeds Rs.5000.00. Have a nice day. Regards. M.Balachandran Chartered Engineer,Hyderabad Mobile: 9959177768 e mail:
Mr Agarwal I am retired Information Technology Professional and want to start consulting in IT. I failed to find required ASN code for that purpose during registration. Can you help me?
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