In fact the Govt.has organized awareness campaign at all levels.The provisions of the GST Act n Input Ax credit Rules are very clear.Input tax credit is allowed to be utilised only when the payment of Goods Suppliers and / or the Services supplied are paid by recipient to the supplier.Thus,obviously d provisions of d Act n Rules are to help small suppliers so the M.S.I./L.S.I goods & services receiver will promptly honour d payments of suppliers.Of course,if suppliers who have not sought amendment in terms n conditions may be due to their fear to loose orders or because of advantageos margin in continuing the payment terms of 90 days & so.In such a situations the crisis arose out of d business deals is to be faced by d dealing suppliers only.Law cannot differentiated with respect to the conveniently negotiated terms of business.Of course even the receivers of goods n services will also not getting input credit except the benefit of working capital requirements on the cost of input goods or input services.Hope this would be agreed by all of us.
Very true the procedure is to pay GST now & claim afterwards. Fill the coffins of the Government & even if you become beggar Govt. is not concerned as their thinking is that all the Businessmen are thieves & do not show their correct income. Their all the procedures lead to only one thing & i.e. to make big shots happy & make them more rich.
Not sure if I am making sense but earlier indirect taxes like Excise and VAT where payable on removal of goods or on invoice and that point of taxation has not changed in GST too so why blame GST. Let me know if I mis-interpreted the issue
Agree with Mr. Sharad Mittal. We only have to pay the difference between ITC and the GST charged on output sales value. So the burden is not fully to the extent of the GST to be recovered.
Right. But as Mr. Chirayu Shah mentions that he files monthly returns, it is safe to assume that he is not covered under composition, NRI & Ecommerce categories.
Time limit for making Refund Application A person claiming refund is required to file an application on the GST Portal in Form GST RFD-01 before the expiry of two years from the “releva...
Car is a fixed asset , it depreciates. If you sell a used car either you make profit or loss. Hence it should be subject LTCG/STCG tax only if you make profit. How is selling a used car misco...
The GST hair splitting over Popcorn is but a symbol of how theGovt has spectacularly failed in taming the bureaucracy. In 2014 when this Govt came to power they promised to make simpler laws. And t...
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GST office dont make any gate pass , no security checks . Is this to facilitate people to walk in with cash and gifts for officials. What happens if terrorist gets in .
Indian taxation is truly hell, the average Indian gets paid 20x less than average westerner but pays 10x more for essentials like laptops while 50x for cars. This is literally butchering the middle...
According to my husband, Corruption in GST starts from registration itself now. Getting told it's impossible to get it done in Delhi without a bribe. You get a query for more docs with t...
You can get a rate card for everything in gst office Registration 10k Assessment where no tax payable 15 k Refunds 4% This is what a friend is saying. LC Manager must esc...
Nephew had applied for GST cancellation a couple of months back but continues to receive notices from GSTN for failure to file monthly return. His accountant tells him that GST office will not proc...